r/Music 6d ago

Taylor Swift's Endorsement of Kamala Harris Has Resulted in a "400% to 500% Increase" in Voter Registration article


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u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago

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u/toofles_in_gondal 6d ago

This actually works on the micro level too where influential people in your small circle can get people to do things. This is one of the basics of behavior change. We are herd animals. Instead of whining about it, we should maximize for good.


u/se7en41 6d ago

What a great parallel for everyday life.

None of my neighbors care about soccer, but whenever we crack a couple beers and have family time, all I gotta do is start dribbling and juggling a ball for a few minutes, and sooner or later all the grown ups are passing a ball around and playing with the kids.

If it's perfectly acceptable for me to influence my neighbors and I into some drunken cardio, why isn't it acceptable for someone actually famous to coax people into something they might not try otherwise?


u/toofles_in_gondal 5d ago

That's exactly it! Thanks for providing such a great real life example. Clearly, you know how it's done.

I hope you pat yourself on the back for positively influencing your community. Not only are the adults more active but you're also exemplifying a different model of how to chill and hang out to all the kids there too. It's so nice to hear when so many people ardently defend their individualism. The science shows time and time again we are highly social, interconnected beings.


u/nyanlol 6d ago

People got their polio shots bc Elvis was photographed getting one. We take our wins where we can get them


u/L3onskii 6d ago

Also when Princess Diana shook hands with an HIV+/AIDS patient. She helped weaken the stigma surrounding the virus


u/rostron92 6d ago

It's not exactly a new phenomenon. unless you mean this country is in a perpetual state of "fucked"


u/drunk_with_internet 6d ago

I'm more concerned that people voted for a washed up reality TV star and rapist, but then again the world is a crazy place.


u/iamthecheesethatsbig 6d ago

We’ve already been fucked by a wannabe Reality TV celebrity as president. It can’t be worse.


u/FlyingFootStomp 6d ago

its not like she didnt give her reason in her endorsement


u/Pissflaps69 6d ago

How politically engaged were you at 19? I wasn’t.


u/astrozombie134 6d ago

I mean I at least registered to vote without my favorite musician having to tell me to.....


u/murrtrip 6d ago

But something, someone told you it was important and you did it. Maybe it was as easy as - being super interested in the constitution and knowing your rights - idk. But at some point you were influenced by outer forces and you went and registered.

This is the same thing.


u/Pissflaps69 6d ago

So did I but do you really blame a kid that’s in their late teens for having not yet registered?

I registered when they did a registration drive on campus, this is basically the same thing but on instagram.


u/pheret87 5d ago

19 is not a kid. I'd blame the parents and education before the adult for not being registered.


u/Appropriate-Prune728 6d ago

I was fundraising for john Kerry when I was 18.


u/EuphoricMoose8232 Punk Rock 6d ago

Well it’s better than voting for a washed up reality star


u/south-of-the-river 6d ago

You already lost by not having compulsory voting


u/finnjakefionnacake 6d ago

sadly. but hey, i guess we'll take what we can get right now.


u/Odd_Bed_9895 6d ago

No no no, we’re right on schedule. (In the Bane voice for some reason)


u/datnetcoder 6d ago

I mean we literally have a trash reality TV president, so I think this is the least of our worries.


u/RandyHoward 6d ago

Had, not have, and hopefully it stays that way


u/NobodysSide89 6d ago

Tbh she did this in 2018, the same thing happened, and the candidate she endorsed still lost.


u/beland-photomedia 6d ago

If one side needs help from pop stars to stop the side who listens to deranged reality TV hosts, we do what we need to do.


u/CharmingVeronica02 6d ago

This is alarming tbh


u/Yuskia 6d ago

Is it really though? Young people not voting and instead caring about excitement and entertainment is not exactly a new concept.


u/NirstFame 6d ago

What makes you think they weren't going to vote yesterday? Get real.


u/Putrid-Sherbert5501 6d ago

Then what is your issue? PECISELY.

The republican candidate is being supported Vladimir Putin, Victor Orban, MTG, Laura Loomer and countless others already in office. It’s not like we’re out here bitching about the votes they bring😒😏? So why do you care?
