r/GenZ 2006 5d ago

Straight up facts Meme

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u/CrispyDave Gen X 5d ago edited 4d ago

Well I've lived in both so everyone listen to me more than usual.

It's not that simple.

Both have plusses and minuses depending on your priorities.

Also both places are continents, not countries. They are not uniform from place to place.

E: I'll leave it up, but the reply about America not being a continent has been done. A lot. Every time I open Reddit there's another 5 or 6 of them. So yes, I know the USA is not a cxontinent, I should have said a Union of States or something. My point was neitrher the US or Europe are homogenous. Truth be told I wanted to use that word when I wrote the post but couldn't think of it. So I'm sorry geogrpahy zoomers, it won't happen again.


u/SpreadEmu127332 5d ago

Ah yes, let’s generalize an entire fucking continent and pretend it’s the exact same as America but better.


u/mearbearcate 2004 5d ago

They didnt say it was the same. They said both places have pros and cons.


u/SpreadEmu127332 5d ago

I am speaking as OP and people who say that stuff.


u/mearbearcate 2004 4d ago

Ohhh yeah ur right

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u/Frylock304 5d ago edited 5d ago


I gurantee you the same people who think like OP don't mean poland, who has public healthcare, but bans elective abortion.

Probably aren't thinking about Greece which only legalized gay marriage 6 months ago and has an unemployment rate 3x higher than ours.


u/BuffGuy716 5d ago edited 4d ago

Liberal white Americans think "Europe" is one homogonous place and a permanent vacation, instead of an entire continent with diverse countries and different pros and cons.


u/Malarkey44 4d ago

Same in reverse though. Currently dating a German, and I have to constantly explain that America is different. Different cultures and foods, different geography, and even different laws across state lines. It's not as homogeneous as people like to think.


u/Beneficial-Lemon-427 4d ago

America is less homogeneous than Europeans perceive it to be, but more homogeneous than Americans think it is.


u/BloatedGlobe 1996 4d ago

As someone who's lived in both the US and a European country, this feels exactly right.


u/Frylock304 4d ago

100% agreed.

Having traveled the country, there's very, very, very, little difference between someone in California and someone in Tennessee, it's all about rural vs. urban, and upper vs. lower class


u/LostApexPredator 4d ago

There are huge cultural differences between Tennessee and California....

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u/paradisesadness 5d ago

But all these unemployed in Greece still have healthcare 🤭


u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago

Unemployed Americans can get Medicare. 

Edit: I meant Medicaid. 


u/NeighborhoodVeteran Millennial 4d ago

You also have to be 65 for Medicare.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

I'm sorry. I was confusing Medicare with Medicaid. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.  

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u/vLONEv12 5d ago

This shouldn’t have made me laugh. But it did.

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u/FeloFela 4d ago

Not if you're one of the African migrants the Greek government drowns

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u/vlsdo 5d ago

and they sure as shit aren’t thinking about Bulgaria or Romania who are constantly fighting over the last two places in most EU rankings


u/MeccIt 4d ago

Bulgaria or Romania

Two countries that were locked behind the Iron Curtin and have been rebuilding in the 30 years since their freedom? What's Mississippi's excuse?


u/Proudvirginian69 4d ago

a historical reliance on slavery, then after that ended it had nothing going for it


u/vlsdo 4d ago

to be fair Romania also has a historical reliance on slavery, so maybe there’s a connection there

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u/No_Study5144 4d ago

you forgot to say russia's western part is in europe lol

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u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 5d ago



u/ChugHuns 5d ago

Wtf are you yapping about? I've lived in Germany and have neither blonde hair nor blue eyes and nobody looks at me different. Also, you say Europe has great social nets, that varies country to country but yes most are better than the states. The EU has a population of 449 million and that doesn't include all of Europe. Not to mention the fact that while the U.S has a large population, it also has a correspondingly larger tax base so your analogy doesn't work. You like to paint Europe as a single entity when it suites you and then as small nations at other times to fit your narrative. Stop being so ignorant it's a bad look.


u/MulaChicken4 2004 5d ago

Fr, this guy just labelled everyone in Europe a “white supremicist” based off of nothing

Bot behaviour

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u/KitchenSalt2629 5d ago

The US has one government that is supposed to handle everything while the EU doesn't handle everything it has their specific countries handle it.


u/archiveal 5d ago

The US actually has 50 state governments and thousands of county governments

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u/astanb 5d ago

There's also the fact that the USA essentially pays for that safety net by paying the vast majority of the NATO costs and a large chunk of the UN costs. And people are dumb enough to actually think Trump was trying to get us out of NATO. When all he was doing was trying to make Europe pay it own share of the costs instead of relying on the USA to pay for them.


u/sol119 5d ago

US spends approx. 3.5% gpd for its military, it's more than e.g. Germany's 2% but not "vast majority" and not even close to having an impact on the social net.

UN spending - that's probably a ridiculously small amount with even smaller impact on the social net.


u/Moose_Kronkdozer 2000 4d ago

The real US propping up of Europe comes in healthcare costs. The sad reality is that if we had nationalized healthcare here in the US, healthcare costs in Europe would dramatically increase.

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u/Mysterious-Fly7746 2000 5d ago

Hey you’re not allowed to say positive things about the evil orange dictator /s

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u/Upbeat_Address_3818 5d ago

the highest spender as a portion of gdp is actually Poland, then Estonia, with the USA coming in 3rd, and Lithuania and Lativa (also Greece?? for some reason) coming in soon after. that is just for nato though. the EU also spends a huge amount, more than the US, on defending Ukraine, and the EU is carried by Germany. France, Britian, Spain, and Italy don’t spend as much because they have other old colonial ties to aid, France especially has spent a huge amount of time and money on aiding its old west african colonies. while neocolonialism isnt the best, their assistance in founding ECOWAS has allowed a relatively powerful alliance to form for fighting against terriost operations. (no the Sahel Confederation is not a good thing, anti colonialism is good, but juntas are bad and France has done decent in the last 2 decades). all that to say, trump is a putins lapdog, and doesn’t know what he is talking about, and i know im probably talking to a Saint Peters troll, but if not, dont spread misinformation. the US spends too much on our military, but not disproportionately on out military alliences. The UN, I have no idea what you are talking about. The us spent 13 billion in 2021, a measly amount. The most of any country, but that is followed by China, so while i couldn’t find the stat, i assume it is GDP based as well

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u/Sannction 4d ago

If you’ve lived in Germany, any of the Nordic countries, Netherlands, its painfully obviously that you stand out as an inferior prick if you don’t fill their beauty standards, which is blonde hair and blue eyes.

The only thing painfully obvious is that you have no clue what you're talking about.


u/Windowlever 4d ago

TIL that you aren't hot without blonde hair and blue eyes in Germany.

(This really isn't true)


u/LarryBigBalls 4d ago

You’re delusional most Germans don’t even have blonde hair and blue eyes


u/Benjii_44 4d ago

Dude, what are you talking about? Yes there are racists in Scandinavia, but there are racists everywhere. Most people don't give a shit

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u/cippocup 1999 5d ago

America is not a continent, North America and South America are continents


u/Interesting_Reach_29 5d ago

America stands for the USA. No one uses “America” to refer to Canada. Ask a Canadian lol. Besides, the Kardashians are American. Don’t drag them (Canada).


u/cippocup 1999 5d ago



u/Interesting_Reach_29 5d ago

Sorry, I misread as you attacking something that you weren’t. All good my dude!

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u/aaronilai 4d ago

Depends on which education system you grew up, answer will be different. For the anglosphere this is the case, but in Latin America and most romance language speaking countries, America is the whole North, South, Central mass. Olympics have also that 5 continent model. We don't call US nationals Americans as much as "Estadounidense" which translates as United-statian.

Is a very political question, but in a lot of contexts, America means the continent, while obviously for the US and parts of Europe, will mostly mean the country.


u/goingtotallinn 2004 4d ago

We don't call US nationals Americans as much as "Estadounidense" which translates as United-statian.

Intresting! In Finnish we usually call them "Amerikkalaiset" (Americans) and less commonly "Yhdysvaltalaiset" (United-statian) but we also sometimes use "Jenkit" (Yankees)

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u/Interesting_Reach_29 5d ago

Thank you! Ask Europe how they handle POC. It is far more complicated than that lol.


u/SuperMazziveH3r0 5d ago

Europeans are far more racist against Asians and it ain’t even close


u/Interesting_Reach_29 5d ago

Depending on which region — this is sadly true. I’ve unfortunately seen some of it (American). Racism is everywhere unfortunately but I did notice not much talk of it in Europe.

Edit: grammar fix

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u/ratione_materiae 4d ago

The average European talking about the Roma would make a klansman blush


u/UnderpantGuru 4d ago

As someone originally from Europe but moved to North America, this is surprisingly true to me. I remember reading a thread on r/Europe about a young Roma girl that had discovered she loved long distance running and I believe she had won an event. It's an objectively good story.

No, the comments were absolutely vile and about how terrible Roma people are.

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u/grimmigerpetz 4d ago

Akshually we are already racist against our neighbour town. Those suckers on the other side of the river are onto something. Also they take our jobs. And wifes.

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u/Bman1465 1998 5d ago

Ask Europeans what their thought is on Roma people and you'll run to your nearest redneck to apologise for being so harsh to them /hj

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u/Peoples_Champ_481 5d ago

I lived in both too. It made me despise how arrogant Europeans are about everything lol

I lived in a Baltic country and you wouldn't believe the amount of Euros who said "Lithuania? Is that in Asia?"

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u/pizza_toast102 5d ago

America in this context definitely refers to the country and not the continents

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u/JayIsNotReal 2001 5d ago

My grandparents fought a genocide to come to the US so I am staying on this ship for better or for worse.


u/Zarathustra-1889 5d ago

If you are referring to Second World War, our great grandfathers were probably shooting at each other lol


u/lahdetaan_tutkimaan Millennial 5d ago

The person you're responding to was born in 2001, and assuming generations are around 25 year apart, that'd make their grandparents born in around 1951. There's been a long list of genocides that have occurred since 1951, the worst of which being the Cambodian genocide 1975 to 1979



u/kevrose14 1999 5d ago

I was born in '99, both my grandfather's were in WWII not that far of a stretch


u/lahdetaan_tutkimaan Millennial 5d ago

I get that, though I tend to assume that generational gaps aren't typically that wide. My grandfather served for the US in WWII and he was 75 years old when I was born, and I've always figured that was an unusually wide gap

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u/glitterpens 2005 5d ago

i mean i was born in 2005 and my one grandma was born in 1932. your point still stands tho


u/ScienceAndGames 2002 4d ago

It’s far from impossible though, I was born in 2002 and all of my grandparents lived through WW2 and one would have been old enough to fight in it, had Ireland not been semi-neutral.

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u/JayIsNotReal 2001 5d ago

No, it was the Bangladesh Genocide.

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u/nobd2 1998 4d ago

I’m mixed with a dozen different heritages– if America goes down, I’ll never belong anywhere else and I’ll be damned if whatever children I end up having will be refugees without a country.

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u/biglyorbigleague 5d ago

Most people live in developing countries.


u/Anal_Juicer69 5d ago

That’s why I hate the “America is a third world country in a Gucci belt” thing. 1: America by definition is a 1st world nation, 2: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world nations are an outdated term left over from the Cold War. Technically speaking, Switzerland would be a 3rd world nation. And 3: Having lived in developing nations, America is a paradise.


u/Bman1465 1998 5d ago

I'm tired of the whole "lol murica bad" mentality

You people have no idea what you have; maybe it's not perfect, but Americans live better than 99.99% of the world will ever get to dream about

You should be thankful


u/Grammarnazi_bot 2001 5d ago

Not to take away from your point lol but the U.S. is 4% of the world’s population


u/SoulCycle_ 4d ago

I have nothing of substance to say but this comment just made me actually lol which is rare on reddit


u/Mr_Hassel 4d ago

He means 99.99% of the rest of the world

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u/ormandosando 5d ago

Seriously, you have Chinese migrants dealing with Latin American coyotes just to come up here. But sure, “healthcare and guns bad”. We’re not perfect but the sheer amount of hate the us is getting because we have highways just screams bot activity


u/JackMalone515 4d ago

I don't feel like Europeans are hating the US just because of motorways, we have plenty of those as well. You have plenty of things which are valid to criticise

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u/xoLiLyPaDxo Millennial 5d ago

As long as you ignore the hundreds of thousands American citizens dying from poverty every year... Sure there are plenty of places where more die in poverty, however,those actually dying in poverty in the US are not as better off as you make it out to be. The US has it's own set of problems that should not exist at all in the wealthiest nation on earth.


u/SweatyPhilosopher578 5d ago

Shhhh… you’re destroying their fantasy.


u/Kagenlim 5d ago

It's not fantasy when it's true, America is one of the best places to live in period

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u/KrabbyMccrab 5d ago

Everyone being poor leads to less resentment than having one person being rich.

It's especially not helpful to invalidate downwards since by that logic only the one guy getting shafted the hardest gets to complain. That's just silly.

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u/pucag_grean 2003 5d ago edited 5d ago

You should be thankful

You should be trying to make america better. Also most of the world is actually pretty fine when they aren't living in poverty.

Alot of developing countries in Africa and Asia actually have really nice cities that have better systems than America like free healthcare for example. If you actually broadened your horizons you would see that


u/Anal_Juicer69 5d ago

Have you ever been to a developing African city? I’ve lived there, and I’d much rather live in an American one than someplace like Abidjan.


u/autye 2006 5d ago

That doesn't mean you should be complacent. Yes, competitively America is a fucking paradise, that doesn't mean there aren't problems that should be fixed.


u/Anal_Juicer69 4d ago

Well, duh. I want free healthcare, I’m just saying it’s not fair to compare America to fucking Somalia.

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u/NorfLandan 5d ago

Imagine comparing America to one of the poorest places and thinking that is a dunk lol.

You should be comparing America to other 1st world nations. Given the USA's incredible wealth it's troubling to see that they are in fact an absolultely 3rd world nation amongst all the other 2nd-1st world nations.

In most other developed nations I don't need to worry that if I visit one of their capital cities I don't need to worry about excessive smell / rats / garbage or have a homeless just take a shit in front of me.


u/JimmyB3am5 4d ago

I was in Brussels less than a year ago, it smelled like piss the entire time.

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u/Bman1465 1998 5d ago

That last paragraph

That's cause NYC, LA and SanFran thankfully aren't the capital /hj


u/rileyescobar1994 4d ago

Well my dad was just in multiple European countries and there were migrants and homeless people sleeping in the medians and begging for change just like here in the US. I'll give you people shitting in public. Thats definitely an area where public services are overwhelmed for sure.

But which 1st world nation do you think is not dealing with a homeless problem? I have family in Canada. They complain about homelessness rising in their cities as well. Prices are going up as the worlds wealthy move in and drive out locals. I live in California my hometown is richer than its ever been. No one lives there that grew up there though. Everyone is either first generation or second generation immigrants with a lot of money. Europe and Canada are at the beginning of this problem and will eventually have to figure out their housing problems as well or they will have people shitting in the streets.

Look at the protests against tourism happening in Europe. They see themselves being priced out of the market just like Americans. Thats how people become homeless and your services get overwhelmed. Then people are shitting in the streets. Enjoy feeling superior. We're literally watching you guys laugh as it happens to you next.


u/NewbGingrich1 4d ago

They already have this problem. Lots of European countries don't do public restrooms at all. Paris is kinda famous for smelling bad. I doubt the guy you're replying to has even met an American homeless man irl.

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u/spec_relief 4d ago

Just say you haven't actually traveled anywhere yourself, it's pretty obvious from your post as it is.

The funny thing is that the US has some of the most polite homeless people.

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u/oodlum 5d ago edited 5d ago

I’m not saying America is bad, but you do NOT live better than any other first-world country, let alone 99.9% of the world.


u/Bman1465 1998 5d ago

Most of the world population has ridiculously shitty lives, and some of them even live in total war. The US, Canada, the Tigers and the developed Europe make up less than 5% of the entire world — there's 95% of the total population whose existence is misery.

Developed countries are a minority


u/Dry_Artichoke_7768 4d ago

You just listed 1.5 billion people, and left out rich populations such as Japan, China and the wealthy of many parts of the world.

I live in Beijing, I assure you there is an obscene amount of wealth here. Most apartments are 1-2 million USD and certain areas such as Haidian creep up well into 7-8 million USD.

The reality is 25% of the world population is at the very least living comfortable lives, probably more.

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u/gabrielish_matter 4d ago

5% of the entire world — there's 95% of the total population whose existence is misery.

I didn't know we became 14 billion humans

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u/Nroke1 2001 5d ago

Yeah, all that first world country means is "the US and its allies" 2nd world is "the Soviet Union and its allies" third world is "unaffiliated." The US is fundamentally a first world nation simply because it is what the term is based on.

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u/neutrumocorum 5d ago

Lol, people don't ACTUALLY know what America is like.

I've had exchanges with several Europeans who INSISTED the US has NO labor laws at all.

I'm convinced people are taught that America is a sub first world shithole for some reason.


u/vr1252 1999 5d ago

I only see the negative stuff online. I’m in a big city so I meet people from Europe all the time when I’m out, they always talk about how great it is and how they want to live here.

Also when I talk to people who moved here from Europe they always talk about how much they love it here. I agree the people who really hate it have never been here.


u/Classy_Shadow 1999 4d ago

I agree, but I also want to point out that people visiting saying they’d want to live here isn’t a good point. Obviously someone on a vacation is going to enjoy their time at a given location more than another average day back home. Many of those people would say the same thing in the exact opposite direction if it was applicable


u/Abject-Tax-7552 4d ago

Exactly because every time I go on vacation I say I’m moving to wherever place I’m vacationing lol

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u/Itscatpicstime 4d ago

Well yeah, the people who moved here are more likely to stay, and the people who hate it are more likely to leave lol


u/PapaPalps-66 4d ago

I mean thats just a fallacy lol, anyone that doesn't want to move from Europe to America... isnt going to. Thats why you havent met them.

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u/Dank0cean 4d ago

i’m convinced europeans literally glean all their information about america from our personal rants, then do no follow up research. like, no one is going online to talk about how awesome their country is. yeah we have a hospice patient as a president and had a reality show contestant before him, but it’s not like we’re living in a dystopian, lawless, animalistic society. it’s really fine, europeans, i promise…


u/tokoraki23 4d ago

Yeah, at least we have air conditioning 

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u/Vanadium_V23 5d ago

We don't think you guys have no labors laws but we know workers right are very limited compared to ours. 

Also, we're not taught the US is a "sub first world shithole". The US is the one having underdeveloped country problems are calling itself a shithole. 

We're just spectators and we can't contradict that narative when their citizens die a horrible and preventable death like during a blackout or lack of access to proper health care.


u/neutrumocorum 5d ago

I love it when Europeans talk about our labor laws. 1, I promise you there are places in this country with more workers' rights than wherever you live.

To generalize laws in the US is already a joke, but to suggest, our labor laws are "limited?" You have no clue what you're talking about.

There is a reason I don't live in Texas, which is what you're referring to with the blackouts. Literally only happened there, and for very predictable reasons. The proper people have been held accountable. Again, I don't live in Texas, and that's shit only happened in Texas.

Typical non-American criticism. Conflate the worst parts of US with ALL US, then condescend.


u/Nroke1 2001 5d ago

Yeah, people conflate problems in the south and some of the least densely populated areas of the US with problems the entire US faces.

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u/paradisesadness 5d ago

Aight tell me the US places that have such amazing labor laws. Can‘t wait to look them up!


u/SrgtButterscotch 1997 4d ago edited 4d ago

the silence is deafening

edit: lmao this went from +6 to 0, yet still not a single American with a viable answer.

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u/ChugHuns 5d ago

You're the one who sounds ignorant. The U.S in General does have significantly weaker labor laws than any country in western Europe. Now that's not something you should hang your whole opinion or judgment on, it's just a fact. I'm a dual American and German citizen and have worked in both and have family and friends all over.


u/sarges_12gauge 4d ago

So we’ve already shrunk from “Europe” to “Western Europe” right? And if someone mentions that thousands more people annually die from heat waves in France (a country with 1/5 the population and milder climates) than the US because they can’t afford to cool everyone the response will either be that 1) that’s a France thing and doesn’t have anything to do with europe, or 2) actually people dying from lack of AC shows Europe is better because they don’t use as much energy or something.

Saying “Europe good” as a catch all is only ever used to try and agglomerate all the good things by every country (particularly the Nordics) while being able to avoid any specific criticisms or downsides by any of them

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u/Cruccagna 4d ago

Ok, labour laws. Is there a government-mandated number of paid vacation days and is it at least four weeks? If you are sick during this vacation and have a doctors note, can you get those vacation days back and use them later? How many weeks of fully paid maternity leave before and after giving birth did people get, and is this government-mandated and not up to the employer’s discretion? Is there further guaranteed paid parental leave, and are workers protected from firing during and after this period? How many months? Do you get extra partially paid sick days for tending to a sick child? Do you have six weeks of fully paid sick leave? And if the illness lasts longer, do you get a partial pay? And then again for a different sickness you can have six weeks leave fully paid again? If big companies want to lay off workers, do they have to go through a whole process and make a social plan to alleviate impact on workers Do you have three months notice or longer to fire any employee and is this universal?

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u/EquivalentTomorrow31 4d ago

Your waffling, 49 states are employment at will. Meaning you can be fire without just cause at any time. Straight off the bat your labour laws are not only substantially weaker but extremely limited at a federal and state level.


u/TheHeroYouNeed247 4d ago

How many vacation days do you get by law?

How many sick days with guaranteed full pay?

How many mental health days? (That's for when I just don't feel like working that day)

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u/munchi333 5d ago

Reddit is full of naive kids that don’t know what they’re talking about. What makes you think the perception you get from here is any more or less accurate than the perception you had of tv shows growing up?

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u/iamthegreatcornholi0 5d ago

Yeah.. do you know how many Europeans die of heat exhaustion every year? 176,000

Do you know how many Americans die of heat exhaustion? Less than 2,000

You could take all our gun deaths (about 45k), add them to all the heat exhaustion deaths, and Europe still kills three times as many people just by being underdeveloped. The United States quality of life beats out other developed countries BY FAR

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u/Mathinpozani 4d ago

You do have labor laws but they are shit

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u/LongTallTexan69 5d ago

Compared to Europe, we don’t.

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u/Walker5482 4d ago

I mean there are states like Texas that have no mandated lunch breaks, and no mandated maternity leave. You can fire employees for no reason at all (though they have to be paid unemployment if no reason is given).

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u/congresssucks 5d ago

I've lived in America, Germany, Iraq, and Spain.

I would choose America 99 times out of 10.


u/Nroke1 2001 5d ago

Username checks out, that's an American right there.


u/paradisesadness 5d ago

Thinking that you can choose 99 out of 10 is also very American ;)


u/FinalMonarch 2005 4d ago

It’s very European of you to instantly be condescending towards Americans online like that, at least as far as I’ve seen. Especially when you’re simply just splitting hairs at an incredibly obvious use of exaggeration for effect.



u/Angry_drunken_robot 4d ago

Hold on! As a Canadian I'd like to kindly remind you that being condescending to Americans is OUR JOB!

godamn Euro's turk-er-jerbs!

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u/TiaXhosa 1995 5d ago

You can do that. It just means that for every single time you make the choice, you make the same choice 9.9 times.

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u/WealthAggressive8592 4d ago

What the inability to detect the most simple of surface level jokes does to a mfer:

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u/[deleted] 5d ago

God bless you

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u/JourneyThiefer 1999 5d ago edited 5d ago

My image of America of when I was child was literally shaped by Disney channel, Nickelodeon and movies.

Then you grow up and you’re like oh… that was like a glitter version of the US that isn’t reality.

Lots of the US still looks amazing though and I’d love to live there for like a year or two but it’s quite hard to get into US for Irish (maybe just Europeans in general) compared to the past.

Europe varies so much in terms of wealth and culture at the same time, so someone in Switzerland is probably fine with staying there, but someone from like Albania or Moldova may see the US as a big upgrade.


u/Peoples_Champ_481 5d ago

Americans do the same with Europe too. We also have a lot of shows where a whimsical woman will travel to Italy or France and meet this 10/10 dude who is obsessed with her and everything falls into place lol


u/JourneyThiefer 1999 5d ago

Lol true, I think the whole world just does this to each other ha ha

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u/aspen0414 5d ago

You’re still talking about perceptions though based on what you’ve seen on TV. So how do you know that your adult perception is more accurate than your childhood perception?


u/JourneyThiefer 1999 5d ago edited 5d ago

I’m pretty sure my perception of the US today is more accurate than what Hannah Montana and Victorius showed me lmfao


u/Mysterious-Wasabi103 5d ago

The truth is likely somewhere in between all of that.

America has changed a lot since the 90s.

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u/puffindatza 5d ago

It’s not facts, I think the fact that you blindly agree displays your ignorance loud and clear

You’re like 17/18 so it’s okay, but what you see on social media isn’t what the US is like. Even visiting the US doesn’t mean you know America, or what it’s like

The stuff like racism, and discrimination is universal. We’ve heard it’s even worse in Europe, many of us colored people have never been to Europe so we don’t know. We can’t say for sure but colored athletes and American students have spoke about the racism they’ve experienced while abroad

Don’t get me wrong either I’m not saying the US is without fault, there’s a lot of shitty people here especially politically but that doesn’t represent the population as a whole.


u/Callecian_427 5d ago edited 5d ago

It’s funny that if you go to r/sports and there’s a post about an American athlete complaining about racism, the first thing you’ll see is a bunch of European soccer fans saying how their athletes experience way worse on a daily basis


u/Lost_Hunter3601 5d ago

In 2020+ European countries have problems with fans throwing banana peels at black soccer players for FFS. Pretty sure if someone did that at a NBA game in America fans would collectively get together and beat the shit out him if someone that did that level of racism


u/PersonOfInterest85 4d ago

Hell, in the US, a billionaire can spend 33 years running a basketball team into the ground, and turn down every offer to sell it, but catch him saying something racist, and he's outta there.


u/puffindatza 5d ago edited 5d ago

Not necessarily soccer but I’m a basketball fan, and sometimes players who border between pro and minor leagues end up playing in Europe, or other places

They’ve spoken about racism they’ve experienced


u/Sac-Kings 5d ago

IIRC Giannis shared some stories about experiencing racism in Greece


u/hotsaucevjj 4d ago edited 4d ago

ah my favorite is being lectured by someone about racism and then hearing them talk about a romani person


u/JFlizzy84 4d ago

What’s funny is how universal this is

I’ve never encountered a situation where this doesn’t happen—no European has ever said “oh no I agree with you the way we treat Romani people is terrible”

It’s always “No, thats different, Romani’s are ____”


u/ebengland 5d ago

They are correct. Soccer gets brutal.

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u/spec_relief 4d ago

Racism in Europe is very much a "if we completely ignore it, then it doesn't exist" kinda thing.'

There's the classic "nonono you don't understand, it's not racist because gypsies aren't actually human" thing, throwing bananas at black athletes, and light-hearted things like this. Just peep the date on that article.

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u/TheLuckyHundred 1998 5d ago


u/Sac-Kings 5d ago

It’s always Europeans who talk shit about the us. We don’t really concern ourselves with Europe. Funny how that works out lol


u/ryancarton 1997 4d ago

The hate Europeans have for America is unreal. I’m convinced it’s because they grew up watching American media wanting to move there, then got disillusioned because our politics get embarrassing, and now they try to shit on us any chance they get out of some weird inferiority complex. (I do not think America is better than Europe please no angry Europeans respond to me)

Most of us think Europe is dope! Calm down. But the rage makes you look insecure.

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u/ucstdthrowaway 5d ago

America is like the mother who ignores their whining screaming child (Europe)

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u/GodofWar1234 5d ago

Leave it to uneducated, arrogant Europeans to lecture Americans about America and American social issues while they’ve never been anywhere near the Western Hemisphere.

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u/Cold_Librarian9652 5d ago

Haters gonna hate. I love living in the United States 🇺🇸



Hy I make way more money than most people in Europe do. Honestly if we had mandatory paid vacations, and universal healthcare it wouldn’t even be close


u/paradisesadness 5d ago

And you think that’s a good thing lmao



And you think that’s a good thing lmao

Do you not need money to survive?.. More money makes that even easier, comfortable even lmao


u/SuperStuff01 4d ago

I am autistic, born and raised in the US, and getting a job here feels impossible. I'm a software engineer with 5 years of experience at Microsoft. I've been out of work for 2 years. It's really hard to consider any country that completely ignores its top tech talent like this "a good country".

I'm not the only one and you can read a lot of stories like this over at /r/recruitinghell

Sounds like you have a good job and that's why you like it here, and I'm happy for you, but at the same time, that isn't most of us.


u/lXPROMETHEUSXl 4d ago edited 4d ago

I work in tech and it’s not that bad. If you know where to look and apply yourself. I understand the position you’re in isn’t uncommon though. I will concede that it is hard to get back out there. After having a big gap like that. Although, there aren’t many countries that are as competitive salary wise. Specifically in tech you’d never make as much in the UK. For example, than as you would here. Have you looked into contract work? Some of those can transition to long term employment

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u/clotteryputtonous 2001 5d ago

Weird, more Europeans move to the USA than the other way around so someone is lying.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Odd_Lab6456 4d ago

No one wants to move there because you cant make Money there...

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u/csasker 4d ago

Because the language is already known is a big reason 


u/Significant_Tale1705 4d ago

This is known as "Eurocope." It's when a European can't handle facts and statistics so they come up with random nonsense like "the language is already known," as though Americans can't move to the UK.

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u/SecretInfluencer 5d ago

Yeah tell that to anyone who isn’t white.

I’ve heard many stories from not white people saying how they felt worse in European countries.


u/ColeslawConsumer 5d ago

OP is Spanish they try their best to forget that minorities exist

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u/Contressa3333 4d ago

THANK YOU. Was looking for this comment

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u/slumber72 1998 5d ago

I've met many, many people who immigrated to the U.S, most specifically NYC. The general consensus among them is that it is not the heavenly wonderland that it was portrayed to them growing up, but they love it and are very thankful to be there nonetheless


u/paradisesadness 5d ago

Funnily enough NYC and Chicago might be the closest you can get to European living conditions in the US

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u/Sac-Kings 5d ago edited 5d ago

I am an immigrant from Europe. I’m never leaving America.

We have our problems here in the US, but I am choosing this country 98 times out of 100. Canada would be the other 2 times.


u/Depressed_student_20 2004 5d ago

My grandma didn’t finish elementary school, my mom never went to college, America has MANY problems but I wouldn’t be receiving a good education had I stayed in my home country, people like to hate on America but America is beautiful and it has beautiful people, I’m grateful for what I have despite everything

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u/Donatter 5d ago

It’s the grass is greener on the other side effect, which is exaggerated by social media prioritizing/promoting/focusing on the most negative/controversial/rage inducing/eye-grabbing of posts/comments/whatever made by random people spewing their random, often biased, thoughts with no research/thought put into it. Which they can easily be making it up, or be simply wrong about as every human has the potential to say/think some incredibly stupid shit.

Plus, this type of shit is further exasperated by bad actors using bot accounts and bot farms to purposely post misinformation/triggering stuff to further whatever interest they have

Basically, ignore this type of “we’re better”, “us vs them” bullshit you see on here/social media in general.

And recognize that every human/country/place have good and bad that goes with them, and you truly don’t understand/know them unless you speak to/visit said people/place, and even then, you only know that specific person and a very small portion of that place

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u/mahirdeth31 2006 5d ago

europeans arent the "most people" tho

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u/Yakuza-wolf_kiwami 5d ago

The irony is that the founders who moved here were also Europeans and finding a better life

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u/Anal_Juicer69 5d ago

I’ve travelled around the world, including some of Europe, and I’ve lived in Africa. America definitely has its problems, but compared to many other nations, we’ve got it lucky.

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u/uhphyshall 2001 5d ago

i wish i lived in america. unfortunately, i live in poverty. i don't like poverty, it's not a good place

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u/DS_3D 1998 5d ago

Wow... yet another post from a European trying to shit on America, how original!

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u/Marcus777555666 5d ago

If you are from some rich European country then sure , you probably don't care about living in usa. I come from another country, a much poorer country with extreme dictatorship, no freedom to browse internet, no opportunities, literally, a village had only 1 book that was created in 80s. No job opportunities, disappearance if you go against the government.

Americans do not realize how lucky they are to live in this country and how much opportunities they have here. So yes, I always dreamed of living in this country and glad I am here.


u/crispier_creme 2003 5d ago

I can't be the only one who thinks the internet severely overreacts when it comes to negative things happening in America. Yeah it's not great sometimes, and I'd say specifically gun violence is really rough here, and our healthcare system is pretty bad (though also exaggerated a lot I might add) But in a lot of ways, we're only slightly worse or even with most other countries. Like, idk what we fail at others succeed at but what other fail at we succeed.

Like yes, we've done heinous things all across history even to today. But it's hypocritical to be the UK and complain about the US slavery problem when they were literally the British empire. That's just one example, but yeah every country has problems and every country has history that we'd rather not look at but I'd say the us is doing ok. Not great but it's alright

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u/Madam_KayC 2007 5d ago

Maybe I'm just seeing glitter too, but I love the US and living in any European country sounds worse to me


u/nuclear213 4d ago

As a rich/ well educated person, the USA is for sure better, as a poor person western European countries are better.

It's all relative.

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u/Ill-Entertainer-6087 1999 5d ago

Why do all of the Euros come here for school then ?


u/PrinceEntrapto 5d ago

We don’t lol, over 50% of foreign students in the USA come from China and India alone, there’s only one European country in the top 15 countries of origin for foreign students in American education and it’s the UK at 1% of the foreign student population:


Europeans go to universities in their home countries or in other European countries, the USA isn’t a particularly attractive place in general to us - only around 8 or 9% of your immigrant population come from Europe

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u/victoria12_21 2001 4d ago

Why would we come to America to pay for our school, if we can study at home for free? Europe has some great Universities too.

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u/Didwhatidid 2003 5d ago

I am India most Indians will jump to America if given the opportunity. The “America bad” is so lame, only shows you have never really seen struggles.

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u/wizenupdawg 5d ago

Europeans have strong consumer protections and labor laws. Scandinavia, in general, seems to invest heavily in children, and a general quality of life for elders. I think many Americans wish they had these things, but half the country thinks taxation is theft so I dunno.


u/Known-Status5685 4d ago

you mean the countries that exist because of the world safety net the US spearheaded since WW2.

thank god the scandanavian countries are essentially protected from others so they can pretend they have done anything.

they only have those things because of america. otherwise they are just another pillaged country with their wealth taken.

your welcome

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u/AccomplishedFan6807 2001 5d ago

Where I live people see the US as a place where you make money. If you are young, the US is the country for you. You make a ton of money and then come back and have a family in your country. I've lived in the US and liked it, but it's not the country I would want to raise my children in

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u/yesguacisstillextra 1998 5d ago

I think we'll all be ok where we are. If you like Europe stay in Europe. I'm cool with North America, because I like it here.

Why be weird and want everyone to like or not like your country? Just enjoy what you have lol

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u/Sir_Isaac_3 5d ago

I love America but it’s just a place like any other place. If a person grows up in a place and finds safety, opportunity, prosperity, and community in that place, they’re gonna say their place is the best place. I hope everybody finds their best place.


u/Varsity_Reviews 5d ago

Oh look, GenZ hates America until they need America to do something for them.

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u/OctobersCold 5d ago

Ok but why the picture of a kardashian? is that what living in America is supposed to feel like?


u/Big-Carpenter7921 5d ago

The Internet has ruined the US by showing the rest of the world what it truly stands for

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u/LigmaLiberty 2001 5d ago

Yet they still try to emigrate here, funny how that works

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u/Electrical-Rabbit157 2004 5d ago

Daily reminder that over a thousand people die trying to cross into the U.S. illegally every year. This narrative is tone deaf and delusional. The average American is literally and unironically wealthier than 90% of the world according to the world inequality lab, the world inequality database, and numerous other financial institutions. The rest of the world outside of the European echo-chamber is actually having discussions about GLOBAL wealth inequality and in these conversations they refer to Americans in the same exact way we refer to the 1%.

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u/Proxima_Centauri4243 4d ago

Acting like the US is a complete hellscape is the most out of touch thing you can do.

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u/Writing_Legal 1998 4d ago

Wonder what Europeans think America is “ACTUALLY” like 🤣

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u/Creepy_Fail_8635 1996 5d ago

I’ve lived in both and studied in both as an international student from Asia and my take is they both are great to live in.

If I were to be given a choice to live in either permanently I’d probably go with most European countries because they are undeniably safer to live in

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u/This_Pie5301 5d ago edited 4d ago

The US is naturally a very divided country (contradictory to its name). All we hear about is gun violence, police brutality, political corruption, disagreements… how is the rest of the world supposed to view you guys when all you show us online is negativity?

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u/arcticmonkgeese 1998 5d ago

I saw this post on an american based website, in my air conditioned home. 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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u/FiannaNevra 5d ago

I'm good thank you! I always said if I were born in the USA I would have opt out at any given opportunity. I like not getting shot.


u/spec_relief 4d ago

Instant giveaway that someone has no clue what they are talking about when they bring up "getting shot" like people are dodging bullets everyday. It is a complete nonissue that nobody thinks about in like 99.9% of the country.

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u/danielrocks06 2006 5d ago

i’d rather live in America than any European country


u/Lost_Hunter3601 5d ago

Fun fact. All the problems all these virtual signaling dorks whine about America exist in their countries too. Racism, certain areas have homeless people. Yaddy ya whatever. European countries in 2020+ have problems with soccer fans throwing banana peels at black soccer players FFS.

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u/Annie_Rection__ 5d ago

You can be a career burger flipper in the US and you'd have a better quality of life than 90-95 percent of my country.

Tell me again how I'm gravely mistaken and how America is a shithole. Maybe you're the shithead for not doing anything with your life

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u/Wowthatnamesuck 5d ago

It's important to remember Europe is not the rest of the world


u/Avionic7779x 5d ago

"Most people" =/= Europeans.


u/HandsomelyDitto 4d ago

nah america is cool


u/VandeIaylndustries 4d ago

europe gotta be one of the top seven continents 🙏