r/Damnthatsinteresting 6d ago

Crows plucking ticks off wallabies like they're fat juicy grapes off the vine Video

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u/highfiveselfoh 6d ago

Ticks are one of my least favorite things. I kill them mercilessly.


u/Parking_Ocelot302 6d ago

I pull them off my dog and hit them with the blow torch. Fuck ticks.


u/Loveknuckle 6d ago

I once used the backend of a claw hammer to rip a grape-sized tick off my dog. Worked well and she only flinched a little.

As that blood sucking grape-fuck laid there on its back, legs flailing like a fat fuck face-hugger, I grinned as I perfectly flipped that hammer 180 degrees. I held it there for a little bit. Just hovering 3 inches over this vampire plum-gusher.

It knew. Legs thrashing at air. Grasping for any chance at survival. Seconds later, I let the weight of the hammer reign down on this blood-nut. It looked like a gunshot wound… if you were to photoshop a GSW off a person’s body and pasted it on a wood floor (or something). It was coagulated and black. Like a ‘black cherry’ gusher. I gagged a little.


u/Parking_Ocelot302 6d ago

Every now and again they pop like porn corn and the boiled blood comes out all aggressive like a murder scene.


u/Ill-Detail-1830 6d ago

Porn corn


u/Parking_Ocelot302 6d ago

Didn't catch that typo LMAO 🤣


u/Weird_Positive_3256 6d ago

I thought you typed it on purpose! 💀


u/Parking_Ocelot302 6d ago

No but I am leaving it. For posterity lol


u/Welcome440 6d ago

You might be a serial killer, that never killed. (A human)

Good writing!


u/trilll 6d ago

Seek help what the fuck lmao


u/Bryyan699 6d ago

Nah this is completely normal behavior, only against ticks and cockroaches


u/Industrial_Laundry 6d ago

How can you always make sure you get the head using that method? Isn’t that like the super important bit?


u/NikNakskes 6d ago

Yeah... that is not a good idea. Popping ticks helps to spread the potential disease carriers even better. Or so the internet told me when looking up what to do with a tick.


u/slimparrot 6d ago

New copypasta just dropped.


u/kitsumodels 6d ago

Probably don’t do this in the future as the popped tick spreads eggs and shit to make the infestation worse. Drown it or flame it for better satisfaction.


u/Specialist-Box4677 5d ago

Anyone else read this in a Southern accent - I'm sorry, I'm not even from your country but it fit that whole Southern Gothic thing really well


u/deadsocial 5d ago



u/Big_Patience5803 5d ago

This was beautiful


u/erectedmidget 6d ago

Thanks, I hate it


u/tRfalcore 6d ago

I've burnt every single tick I've come across. No mercy


u/Parking_Ocelot302 6d ago

It's truly the only way to ensure they don't return lol


u/Dinoboy225 6d ago

That’s a bit unnecessary but yeah, ticks suck.


u/Parking_Ocelot302 6d ago

I don't think strictly parasitic creatures need mercy.


u/Evening_Echidna_7493 6d ago

Just predators that feed on their prey without killing it (usually).


u/Parking_Ocelot302 6d ago

I mean I won't go out and kill beneficial insects. But ticks are just that ultimate gross insect that I don't see as actually beneficial in any form in nature. Even bears and wolves serve a purpose. Wtf is a tick for lmao


u/Evening_Echidna_7493 6d ago

To clarify, I do kill any ticks on me/my pets/in my house lol. But ticks, like all parasites, do serve a purpose in their ecosystem! First, like predators such as wolves, they thin the population of their host species. Second, as demonstrated in this video, they redistribute nutrients from larger animals, to those much lower on the food chain, like the crows.


u/Parking_Ocelot302 6d ago

I never thought they had any benefit until this video showed a crow eating them. I honestly thought they didn't help at all other than possible killing an animal and spreading Lyme disease. But personally I will help thin their population.


u/Evening_Echidna_7493 6d ago

Tick populations are growing out of control in some areas due to climate change. So probably not such a bad thing!


u/NoshoRed 6d ago

Nah, fuck em.


u/Cautious_Ice_884 5d ago

FYI you do have to burn them to kill them, blow torch might be a bit extreme but a lighter for sure. You can't kill them easily, you cannot squish them. Gotta burn those mother fuckers straight back into the depths of hell.