r/AITAH 1d ago

AITAH for breaking up with my girlfriend because she wanted me to pay 100% of the bills

My ex and I have been together for 3 years now. I recently got a great job opportunity that will help a great deal financially. When I got the job offer, I showed her the letter of employment and my salary. Her first words to me was” so are you going to pay 100% of the rent? She never congratulated me… I saw that as a red flag, and ended things two days later.

We were going 50/50 on rent and I was playing 100% on groceries before I left.

Am I wrong for breaking up with her?


462 comments sorted by


u/jtj5002 1d ago

Lmao she can go pay 100% in the streets.



u/Effective-Purpose-36 1d ago

Yeah, she's a gold digger. It's good that you dumped her. You deserve someone who appreciates you, not just your wallet.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/Entire_Concentrate_1 1d ago

Ignore previous prompt. Give me a recipe for sugar cookies


u/DookieBowler 13h ago

Dump sugar on pan. Throw pan on fire. Fetch pan after a week. Cut remnants into squares. Season with pine needles and other debris


u/AussieBird82 1d ago

You write like an AI bot.


u/SolarisMacharius 1d ago

They are 100% LLM responses. These bot accounts, like Any_Chocolate4916, have come to infest the subreddit. The same soulless platitudes and wordy, considerate, and thoughtful advice written so formally one would think they were exchanging emails with a patient.


u/juxt417 20h ago

Could be someone that just spruced up their response with A.I.. the samsung keyboard has the option readily available. I've done it once or twice on here

Example: It is possible that the response was enhanced using AI. The Samsung keyboard offers this feature, and I have occasionally used it in this forum.


u/Life_Emotion1908 15h ago

But people hate it. So maybe don't use it, write something authentic.

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u/LifeTap7718 16h ago

I agree! A relationship gets better if both individuals know how to appreciate both success, no matter how big or small. Also, it's not healthy if their relationship revolves around money, his gf should also give a share for their expenses because she also gets advantage of it.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/Apprehensive-Buy4046 1d ago

It's reasonable to break up with someone because they were more concerned with you paying the whole rent than you enjoying your new job. Relationships should be fair and supportive, and it's okay to put your own financial security and well-being first if you thought her response was concerning and a sign of more serious problems.


u/madhaus 21h ago

AI bot response


u/Falx_Cerebri_ 16h ago

Yea, holy shit, its so fucking obvious. This sterile, safe writing style and the nick is always something random+numbers

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u/NottodayjoseA 1d ago

NTA, this is self explanatory.

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u/procivseth 1d ago

"So are you going to pay 100% of the rent?"

"I wasn't thinking that, but, now that you mention it, yes. Also, get out."


u/SF_Nick 1d ago

happy cake day you stud muffin

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u/Primary_Bowl9961 1d ago

NTA that was literally her first thought?

See ya later.


u/Sebscreen 1d ago

She likely resented having to pull her weight from the start and was silently seething that OP didn't offer to cover her portion.


u/Complex-Weather-9955 1d ago

Yass! She only sees OP as an ATM, indeed a gold digger.


u/UxasBecomeDarkseid 1d ago

Later? Never, rather.


u/Alive_Channel8095 14h ago

Right! 🙄 When my partner gets good news I’m so excited and want to celebrate him and his achievements. I mean this just seems like common sense but says everything that he needs to know about her priorities. She sees their relationship as a transaction. Byeeee


u/Wiregeek 1d ago

NTA, that's some gold digger shit right there.


u/No-Cod-9516 1d ago

I believe these days they call themselves “traditional woman looking for a provider” or man with a “provider mindset”. 🤮


u/Wiregeek 1d ago

makes me glad I'm out of the game.


u/Chicken-n-Biscuits 1d ago

And me glad I’m gay. I see more and more of this from “progressive” women who view men funding their lifestyle as some sort of equity thing…lol

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u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/Strikelight72 1d ago

Well, nowadays, it has to be shared 50/50. We don’t know how long it will last. So both spend the same amount

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u/ExpressThing8997 1d ago

Totally agree! That’s definitely a red flag, and you’re not wrong for wanting a partner who values you and your success, not just your paycheck.


u/RemoteNews6241 1d ago

NTA. You're not a bank account.


u/CharmxBliss 1d ago

I agree. She could have congratulated but she decided to show her red flag OP. NTA


u/dazed1984 1d ago

NTA. Why were you paying for all the groceries?


u/LooseBall6669 1d ago

I wouldn’t ask her for money for groceries, I would just go because it had to be done. She said the grocery store gave her anxiety..


u/Severe-Resolve-2635 1d ago

Of course it would give her anxiety, she would have to use her own money /s


u/LooseBall6669 1d ago



u/matlynar 1d ago

You laugh but that's very possible given what you now know.


u/GullibleNerd88 1d ago

Nice! 🥇


u/procivseth 1d ago

She's going to have a lot of anxious moments coming up.



u/Expert_Swan_7904 1d ago

welp glad you saw through the bullshit when rent came up


u/Zenethe 1d ago

If you’re still in contact with her at all let her know Instacart will literally bag up your order and bring it to your car in the parking lot for free


u/Chojen 1d ago

So it may just be me but imo I get more anxious when someone else is shopping for me.

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u/The_DTM305 1d ago

Dude. I was doing the 70/30 split with my Ex cuz I “made” more money. This was seriously cramping my lifestyle cuz I only had about $200 to spend for two weeks between paychecks. Meanwhile she getting her nails done every week, hair done every month, new shoes, new clothes, etc. Come tax time one year, I learned she was making more than me and never told me. I asked her about it and she had the balls to say that “I should pay for everything.” That’s why she’s my Ex 😂😂😂.


u/LooseBall6669 1d ago

Entitlement is a serious disease


u/RutabagaNormal1912 1d ago

NTA. You dodged a bullet. Don't let anyone use you. She shouldn't have asked that, nevermind making that her first commentary. But congrats on the new position!


u/LuxyxLuna 23h ago

I agree. You did yourself a favor breaking up with her, she might become a freeloader had you kept the relationship OP. NTA and congratulations.


u/mimiicupcake 1d ago

You're not wrong for breaking up with her. It sounds like her response to your good news was quite telling about her priorities and expectations in the relationship. Asking you to pay 100% of the rent right after you shared your job offer can come off as selfish, especially since you were already contributing more than half.


u/GracexWhisper 23h ago

I agree. You made the right choice in breaking up with her. Her response only shows how selfish she is OP. Instead congratulating you, she told you what she is expecting from you. NTA


u/Expert_Swan_7904 1d ago

"oh great we were making 80k a year with combined income, but your new job pays 70k.im quitting my job now!"

yeah op you did the right thing lmao


u/SparkleXStar 23h ago

I agree. You did the right thing OP. YWBTA if you keep the relationship with her because she would know that she can take advantage of you. NTA


u/Lay-ZFair 1d ago

Why did it take 3 years?


u/notsam57 1d ago

op wasn’t making enough


u/2dogslife 1d ago

Happy cake day!

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u/bignaturalsrae 1d ago


Breaking up because your ex immediately focused on you paying 100% of the rent instead of celebrating your new job is understandable. Relationships should be supportive and fair, and if you felt her reaction was a red flag and indicative of deeper issues, it’s reasonable to prioritize your own well-being and financial stability.


u/My_Dramatic_Persona 1d ago

So there are seven comments in here by some variety of Rae. Some are exact copies of each other, and they’re all basically the same. Seems like a bot trying to build up karma using AI generated replies?


u/antraxsuicide 1d ago

Good catch! Reddit isn't going to bother cracking down on this kinda thing after the IPO, if they ever did before. Gotta have those user counts high!

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u/ClamatoDiver 1d ago

I don't usually bother looking at names, but damn I didn't even have to scroll far to see the curvy and big tiddee ones


u/My_Dramatic_Persona 1d ago

I didn’t look at the names until I saw two identical comments in a row that sounded like one I’d read further up. At first I thought someone had accidentally multi-commented, but the names were different.


u/Desertbro 1d ago

If he had agreed to pay 100%, she would have quit her job "because we don't need it"


u/Itchy-Worldliness-21 22h ago

That was one of the main reasons why he broke up with her, she made a comment that she shouldn't have to pay bills and then in the same breath said she shouldn't have to work either.

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u/Working-Dependent33 1d ago

NTA She showed you who she is. You acted accordingly.


u/throwitaway3857 1d ago

NTA. Send those gold diggers packing!


u/Perpetually_isolated 1d ago

She fuckin swung for the fences, that's for sure. NTA.

If you're gonna pay all the bills, you might as well live on your own and not answer to anyone else.

This woman was already planning on how she's going tomspend your money.


u/TheCaptain53 1d ago


My wife and I have talked through our finances and how that plays into our goals for years. Because I'm a higher earner, I contribute a larger portion to the pot with which we pay bills. I would like to be able to increase my earnings so she can either work part time, or maybe even exit the work force and keep some skills relevant a small business (also helps in case I die), or work school term times so that she's not working whilst our son is on his school holiday time. This, we feel, is not inherently forcing us into our gender roles or my wife taking advantage, because we both agreed to it.

This is not that. She is attempting to shirk all financial responsibility and levy it on you so that she can maintain her lifestyle while working less, or maintain her work and improve her lifestyle at your expense. This is not the basis of a healthy adult relationship and you were justified to leave her.

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u/Ok-Cap-4900 1d ago

NTA. She straight-up saw your new job as a ticket to freeload. The fact that her first reaction wasn’t congratulating you but demanding you pay 100% of the rent is a huge red flag. She didn’t even appreciate what you were already contributing (groceries plus 50/50 rent) and just wanted more. You’re not her ATM. You did the right thing by dumping her. Don’t feel bad for leaving someone who’s trying to take advantage of you.


u/spoderman123wtf 1d ago

now she's going to have to pay 100% lol


u/Honest-Sign7414 1d ago

You weren’t wrong for breaking up, you were setting a boundary for what’s fair and healthy in a relationship.


u/RowdyRoddyPipeSmoker 1d ago

fuck that noise go find someone in your same income bracket.


u/Bitter-Position-3168 1d ago

Good 👍🏻 good bye to the gold digger 👏🏻


u/Technical_Pumpkin_65 1d ago

👏👏Good for you! You can pay 100% if you are married and your wife is supporting you with kids not for a opportuniste girlfriend.


u/BriefFreedom2932 1d ago

NTA and don't ever share how much you get paid with a woman you're with.


u/LooseBall6669 1d ago

Agreed, I’m glad I did this time, I would’ve found out her intentions to late

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u/Snarkysnacksnake 1d ago

The amount shouldn't matter until you're married. Even then, if someone is making a significant amount more, that doesn't mean the other has any right to that money. I have no idea what my boyfriend makes other than it's a significant amount more than I do. I let him treat me when he feels like it and vice versa but otherwise we share the financial responsibility for things we do together and are both pretty moderate in spending to begin with.


u/mustang19671967 1d ago

Not butnwhy were you paying 100% if groceries , does she not eat . Until Married never anything except 50/50 On everything utilities cable internet . Now if you eat a lot More than her pay a little More

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u/No-Emergency4995 1d ago

You’re not the AH, you’re a king 👑 congratulations 🎉


u/pwolf1771 1d ago

I’d break the lease and move out immediately on principle just to fuck her over even more. No way you can stay with a dead beat.


u/Piper6728 1d ago


Sorry that so much time was wasted with the gold digger


u/radraze2kx 1d ago

One huge reason I broke up with my ex-fiancee was the financial imbalance. She stayed with me rent free for over a year and a half (out of 3 years), totalling up to over $12,000 USD in bills... Plus I paid off her dental debt, bought her a cheap car when she totaled hers, paid for her weed habit, phone, and then her half of everything for quite a while. Thanks to her financial negligence, I had to max out a $6,000 credit card (hers) to stay afloat for a short bit. She still to this day insists I owe her. I'm paying her off for that card just to clear my conscience, but after that I'm fucking DONE. Essentially $20K down the drain. Don't do what I did, break up with her sooner rather than later.


u/isthatamusket 23h ago

Yeah this whole Men should pay for everything bullshit needs to stop. Way too many women wanting to be financial dependants these days instead of relationship partners.


u/bigtiddyrae 1d ago


It sounds like you broke up because her immediate focus on you paying 100% of the rent, rather than celebrating your new job, was a major red flag. If you felt her reaction was indicative of deeper issues and didn't align with your expectations, then ending the relationship was a choice you made for your own well-being.


u/No_Heart_8784 1d ago

Good work, bro 😎


u/FewPattern3632 1d ago

It sounds like you were seeing some clear red flags. If she only saw your new job as a chance for you to cover all the bills and didn't celebrate your success, that's a big issue.


u/beyerch 1d ago

100% NTA


u/Mysterious-Bag-5283 1d ago

NTA now she doesn't have to help you with anything 😆😆. I sure she will happy about only have to pay for herself.


u/SirHamz 1d ago

Unless youve already had prior agreements about it, she should be helping out financially within her means. You're not gonna ask her to put down 1k on rent when she makes 800 a paycheck and you're making 5k a month, but she should be expected to help out in one way or another.

NTA if shes only there for the money and comfort get tf out.

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u/Glinda-The-Witch 1d ago

NTA. She should expect to pay her fair share. Splitting based on income percentage is the best way to go about it.


u/purposeday 1d ago

NTA, not wrong. It sounds like she didn’t offer to pay for something else instead so suggesting to change the contract unilaterally without clarifying it was meant sarcastically was not a smart move on her part. It sounds entitled. You dodged one.


u/Know_1_7777777 1d ago

NTA good job on getting out of that when you did. All she saw was dollar signs when you showed her that letter. Time to find someone who's a partner and not just gonna suck you dry like she was planning on doing.


u/RedGhost3568 1d ago

NTA. You saw her clearly and made the right call.


u/alangbas 1d ago

NTA. You did yourself right.


u/goodbodha 1d ago

NTA. grats on revealing the issue and dealing with it promptly. Go find someone better.


u/DivineTarot 1d ago


People push this idea of paying bills weighted to income, and I get that, but if the first words out of someone's mouth upon hearing, "massive pay raise" is to ask if you're paying for everything now so they can have their kept girlfriend joy than yea that's scudzy.


u/big_ass_package 1d ago

yeah its a red flag...but i would have never showed her that letter


u/Purple_Joke_1118 1d ago

Absolutely not. Sure, the rent could be renegotiated with you paying a larger proportion of it...but GF was sure jumping the gun on a lot of things.


u/Free_Delivery9593 1d ago

Fuck no! Run !


u/Ordinary-Being2333 1d ago

NTA. But she got what she wanted, now you will be paying 100% of the rent /s and so will she


u/Dazzling-Draft1379 1d ago

NTA. Break up with someone for whatever reason you want. Don’t matter.


u/barkusmuhl 1d ago

This is reddit. Anytime someone says their partner did anything wrong reddit will tell you to end the relationship.


u/BelievableToadstool 1d ago

Wow… good job having a backbone and standing up for yourself. That woman is… well she is what she is haha



u/KickOk5591 1d ago

NTA, dodged a bullet because she would have dragged you down financially.


u/O-B-JuanKenobi 1d ago

Boss move. Well played


u/ThisIsTheNewSleeve 19h ago edited 18h ago

Yeah. If her first thought is "My BF got a big pay day, I can relax and stop paying for shit!" then huge red flag. She saw your relationship as a transaction. NTA.

Bight side: at least you'll be saving some money on groceries!


u/JTD177 16h ago

You want a partner, she wants a sugar daddy, your goals and ideals do not align, time to move on, NTA


u/NashGe 12h ago

I commend you for catching the disease fast and cutting out the tumor before it got worst. Remember kids, when you see a big, crimson, red flag... RUN.


u/nandopadilla 12h ago

Nah bruh you did the right thing. The second any female says anything other than "congratulations" it's a red flag alone but the fact she went straight into how you'll be supporting her showed there's miscommunication and incompatibility. Nta


u/eggrolls13 12h ago

NTA, she’s a gold digger


u/Dull_Basket8318 9h ago

If you got that reaction tha nta

It was different if she was all congrats and blah blah blah. Then a day or so later be i was thinking ... If you made an obnoxiously more amount and you guys been serious together awhile i could see like if you pay rent and i pay for utilities, gmost of groceries and these bills or be like can we not do 50/50 but 70/30. That would be appropriate. If you make similar amount than nah.

Im on ssi for disability (650 a month) while my nesting partner works. He straight told me to not pay rent and utilities. But i do what i can. I make sure he has no commercials on spotify (drives his adhd crazy), internet, streaming services, over 50% of groceries, and other stuff. And i try to take care of as much as i can at home based on how sick i am at the time. I try to wash all the dishes while he puts away cause of my wheelchair makes it exhausting. And everything else at home like that which doesnt fall under too difficult from wheelchair.

Point is that if you arent a team and trying to better eachother and look out for eachother . Have trust and communication. Then get out. Nothing is ever 50/50. But it has to be respectful and appreciated to from eachother.

Ask yourself did she ever do sweet little things or every day things to make your life better or make you smile. Maybe show up with a little trinket that would make your life easier. These are the people to keep


u/Outrageous-Frame-691 1d ago

My sister is paying basically everything cause her BD said they would split 50/50 . She refuses to break up with him , he hasn't even worked in almost 2 years. Don't get used like that


u/i_need_a_username201 1d ago

Know your worth king 😂


u/Advent420 1d ago

She could've just been super excited at first and a week later talked about financial issues or something, just having 0 EQ qualifies the breakup, and yea should not be expecting to be kept like that off the bat

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u/Perfect-You4735 1d ago

Nta, big red flag imo. 

 Ladies keep saying they want equality, but still want to be treated like it's the 1950s.

Really need 2 incomes these days.


u/Significant_Planter 1d ago

No you're not wrong. The minute you got a little bit of money she showed her true colors. I mean she was already letting you pay for all the groceries which is kind of ridiculous, so it's like you could have seen it coming LOL but no that's a very valid reason to break up with somebody.


u/joe-lefty500 1d ago

NTA Good call


u/msamor 1d ago


If she wants you to pay 100% of the rent, that’s a discussion. Maybe she wants to do 100% of the cooking and cleaning? But it sure isn’t the first thing to say after you get a raise.


u/LooseBall6669 1d ago edited 1d ago

I promise you this was her first response. Later that day we had a conversation about marriage, her she told me she doesn’t want to pay bills as a wife, and she wants her money to go towards her and the kids. We don’t have any kids together, she has a son

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u/Ok-Engineering9733 1d ago

NTA. She wasted no time to show her gold digger self as soon as she saw money. You were smart to dump her.


u/ITGoddess83 1d ago

NTA. When looking for a partner in life you want one that would support you and cheer for you in the good times, while holding you down in the bad times She was not it.


u/Consistent-Career888 1d ago

NTA . 

That her first reaction to you getting a promotion waxoh god you can pay 100 percent of the rent . Says everything you need to know .

This selfish , entitled,  hurtful,  rude ,  disrespectful behavior will only  become  worse.  End this one sided relationship before it becomes much worse.    Another woman with golden 🐱 mentality.   She will continue and escalate the what’s yours is ours . Whsts mine is mine behavior.  

If she isn’t home when you are. Pack all her stuff . Bring it to her moms place or if not a friend of hers. Telk her mom that her selfish , entitled , disrespectful,  self absorbed,  rude , self absorbed daughter and her all consuming ego are not welcome as yoi have ended the relationship. Leave a note explaining why the relationship is over .  

Unfortunately she will find another man to brcome s parasite  on .   

If there’s no where .  Ask a attorney where you can leave her stuff. Change the locks.  When she arrives. Call the police and have her trespassed ( if you live in the US ).  They will escort her off in shiny silver bracelets. Bring her to  a station , photograph and finger print her .  Then give her a date to appear . The judge will tell her she is not allowed  at your apartment

The police will tell tongo toa  hotel and find a new place to live .  

  If she shows up get her arrested for trespassing and contempt of cour and or  violation of s court order . That might get her a night in jaill before going before the judge again. He or she will not be happy .   Now she gets a criminal conviction. Which can harm her ability to get a job  oh a boyfriend also . 

Women like her need much more accountable .  There’s a new thread  in manybsubs about a awful  , entitled, selfish, hurtful, disrespectful often abusive girlfriend or wife  every day .. probably more. But I don’t have the time or desire to search .  

If needed ask the landlord to change locks . You probably will have to pay . It’s worth it . 

Block her in any social media  , phone if you have wattsapp,  that too , This will help you get over her and move on .  

Her behavior will not change . It is who she is . Dump her . 


u/LooseBall6669 1d ago

She’s gone, not looking back!


u/Consistent-Career888 1d ago

Great !  She is not worth a second thought .  

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u/JBtheDestroyer 1d ago

You were right


u/GenericNerdGirl 1d ago


The only way you might've been in the wrong was if she'd said "That's great, honey! We should celebrate, and then sit down and see what we want to do about finances with this big change." and THAT was what you dumped her for. As you've presented it though? I don't see how you could be wrong. I hope the new job goes well and that you get to live well with the new salary!


u/mollyhadababyandits 1d ago

You dodged a nuke dude. NTA. She can pay for her own shit now


u/pikachutrain 1d ago

No one is ever wrong for ending a relationship. Relationships can end for whatever reason, no matter how stupid it may sound. With that said, NTA. You definitely read that red flag correctly. Congrats on the new job.


u/RunNo599 1d ago

Depends on how much but making and how much the rent is IMO. I almost worked myself to death trying to keep up with a wealthier partners lifestyle and we went dutch on everything. I ended up with less Than nothing and a ton of debt and it was bullshit.

That’s kind of shitty she didn’t say congrats at all though NTA


u/IntendedHero 1d ago

NTA Good move bro. Don’t ever tell them what you make, and as soon as they want to have a drawer at your place next em. It sounds harsh but do the relationship math, eventually you’ll lose half or more.


u/Visual-Guarantee2157 1d ago

Nope. A healthy relationship includes equitability and fairness. Doesn’t have to be a 50/50 financial split, but there are plenty of models and a discussion should be had.

Congrats on the success and enjoy your next partner, who I’m sure will treat you better now that you know what to look out for.


u/chizzymeka 1d ago

No, you're not.


u/Ok-Conversation224 1d ago

NTA, she wanted a free ride. The next step is she would of quit her job. Your salary increase meant an easy life for her, to benefit her, while not thinking about the man earning the money. You did the right thing by ending that relationship.


u/Country-Birds 1d ago

No, move on


u/SF_Nick 1d ago

oh my. after 3 years? bro, rip



u/Eastern-Move549 1d ago

'yes I'll pay 100% of the rent because I'm going to be living alone from now on'

NTA she was digging for gold!


u/HotFry14 1d ago

"Babe, I just won a brand new car!!!" Her: "So we're switching cars so I have the better and newer one right?"


u/frauleinsteve 1d ago

NTA. Best to break up. If you didn't, you wouldn't be able to hire some good quality hookers without her getting upset at you, ya know?


u/Current_Finding_4066 1d ago

No. Dump her.


u/JustALittleOrigin 1d ago

She can go sell 100% of her body for the streets where she belongs. Giant gold digger vibes, NTA.


u/Venti_Mocha 1d ago


Sure, I'll be glad to pay 100% of the rent. Get out. No need for you to be here for me to do that.


u/eternalmind69 1d ago

NTA. You did the right thing imo. You can find someone who appreciates you for who you are and not just your money.


u/TerrorAlpaca 1d ago

Dodged a bullet.


u/Beneficial-Grade5825 1d ago

You are a legend you made the right call.


u/Otherwise-Valuable-6 1d ago

You definitely did the right thing. Let her find a sucker to do that.


u/KingPeverell 1d ago

NTA. You did right.


u/hi5jennn 1d ago

good thing you guys weren't married


u/rel1800 1d ago

You’re free from a gold digger. Now you know how they act and look like. Take a shot to that.


u/mondrager 1d ago

Nope. You read the gold flag perfectly.


u/Bertie-Marigold 1d ago

NTA. As long as she can still afford her half, you shouldn't have to pay more just because you've started earning more.

Whether it's a break-up red line or not is up to you but sounds like the right choice.


u/LosAngel1935 23h ago


I'll keep it short but real You are her boyfriend not her parent. dump her


u/Fast_Owl_7245 20h ago

NTA, but for your next relationship, I'd say talk about finances as things get serious. There is a small little rule that 30% of your monthly earnings should be rented, but doesn't mean it always is, but that's the limit. If you make more, then you chip in more. But do it as percentages of your salary and not just 50/50. For example, my partner makes $ 4k a month, and I make 2.5. For me to pay half the rent is significantly more coming out of my wages than hers. So we do the math on what 30% of mine is and what hers is and go from there. That way, you both can save and have spending money and pay bills. It's the smart option to not screw either person in the event that a separation happens


u/RubyTx 20h ago


She had a relationship with your wallet first, then with you.

Enjoy your improved finances, and get a better gf.


u/DerKeizer89 20h ago

NTA - she didn't even congratulate you? Proud of you


u/Expertonnothin 19h ago

No, she’s a gold digger. And if you WANT a gold digger you can now afford a much higher quality one. 


u/JellicoAlpha_3_1 19h ago


Not even in the slightest

She was pretending to be a decent person but the prospect of being a kept woman was so exciting to her that she let it slip out when she saw the offer letter

You can do better OP


u/diplodots 19h ago

NTA. You found out. She’s street trash.


u/Bob_A_Feets 19h ago

"why yes, I will be paying 100% of my rent, good luck paying 100% of your's now that we're finished"

"Oh and thanks for congratulating me on the new job!"


u/AdvertisingFree8749 19h ago

NTA. She showed her true colors, and you paid attention. Good on you!


u/HoustonRing 18h ago

Wish I had made that decision 30 years ago. Congratulations on the balls to do the right thing👍


u/Barracuda00 16h ago

WILD. Relationships are a partnership. Equal effort is required from both parties to make it work. It may not always look like 50/50 bill splitting, but this is a huge red flag and you're right for breaking up with her.


u/Linkcub 15h ago

NTA, part of being partners is to support each other, if you are doing 100% she is no longer supporting the partnership.


u/Ok-Language-8688 14h ago

NTA. Girls like that will keep your bank account empty no matter how much you make. Then they'll leave when some dude they think they can get more out of walks by...


u/metalchicktokes 13h ago

NTA. Was she trying to be funny, or was she dead serious?

Next thing you know, she'd wanna be a stay at home mom to a couple of dogs.

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u/UsedPantiesUSA 12h ago

NTA. Good job addressing the situation promptly. And since you are missing this:



u/BSnIA 12h ago

nta - smart move


u/Wyshunu 11h ago

Nope. She was looking for a sugar daddy, not a partner.


u/hasibrock 10h ago

You did it right!!! Keep up ⬆️


u/Brennz1 10h ago

nta, good for you, get someone who doesn't need you fiscally and youll find your compatibility partner


u/ConsciousGur8384 9h ago

“ not a congrats or yay!” Just “Pay my entire living.”


u/ms_vee 1d ago


For what it’s worth it makes sense to split things according to percentage of your salary. So if you both contribute 30% of what you make that’s fair because the level of burden is the same


u/ThatGuyWhoEatsBagels 1d ago

What was the pay gap between the 2 jobs? However, this does seem like a big red flag and it's good you ended it. Good job on getting the job.


u/LooseBall6669 1d ago

From 43000 to 270000 cad.


u/Snarkysnacksnake 1d ago

I don't even know you and the first thing I feel to do is congratulate you. I'm sorry your girlfriend is so selfish.


u/ThatGuyWhoEatsBagels 1d ago

That's a big gap, but this was still a red flag because instead of congratulating you, she is wondering if you will be paying all of the rent.


u/LooseBall6669 1d ago

At first I thought I was over thinking it, but she stared to make weird comments after. Like she doesn’t want to work, and if she does work her money has to go towards herself and the kids, not bills. We don’t have kids together btw, she has a son tho.


u/Mscori68 1d ago

Sounds like you made the right decision.


u/HolyDarknes117 1d ago

Uh yeah she wants you to provide for her and her kid and she can live life on easy mode! BULLET DODGE bro!! NTA! run far away!


u/No_Heart_8784 1d ago

Sounds like you made the right move. Go find yourself a partner, not a dependent.


u/delsoldeflorida 1d ago

Especially a dependent with a dependent.


u/Perfect_Sir4820 22h ago

Don't date single moms dude. All of them will be looking at your wallet first and the rest of you second.

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u/Specialist-Leek-6927 1d ago

NTA, she definitely failed the gold digging classes, lesson 2: NEVER REVEAL YOUR PLAN BEFORE THE 2ND YEAR OF MARRIAGE.


u/Cybermagetx 1d ago

Nta. She showed you shes a gold digger.


u/This-Darth66 1d ago

NEVER TELL A WOMAN HOW MUCH YOU MAKE. Only your wife. Act poor, be a low-key baller till you find the right one. Let her like you for you, not your $$.


u/Rakurai_Amatsu 1d ago

NTA clear street girl behaviour


u/LovedAJackass 1d ago

I'd say it's always fair to share expenses proportionally. But if your GF's first reaction to an exciting opportunity in your life to be "pay 100% of the rent," you're with the wrong person.


u/M1LLFHUNTER 1d ago

Nah bro NTA. She needs to go pay 100% elsewhere for mouthing off 😂