r/AITAH 6d ago

AITAH for telling my daughter I won’t budge even if she never speaks to me again?



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u/I_love_Juneau 5d ago

Yeah, but then the parents shower A w/ money to "make up for her not being able to keep her own paycheck. Cue the violins. C is absolutely right to expect another car. No consequences for A? But C has to wait till a time her parents "feel like" getting her a replacement. You know, they will find something else that is "more important". I have ADHD too, and I have a BS and a well paying job. A needs to get her self a job, C doesn't deserve to have to wait til she is the priority.

Def : OP, YTA

Eta: to clarify who the AH is.


u/Highlander198116 5d ago

I'm just baffled by this dad's strategy.

He's worried about harming his daughters future. However, he's literally doing just that by coddling her and not preparing her for a world that doesn't give a flying eff that she has ADHD.

COLLEGE will be a rude awakening. The Professors don't assign graded homework (which is honestly the thing that makes primary school and highschool a relative breeze), Professors don't care if you show up to class. They don't care if you pass or fail.

You are 100% responsible for your own learning and just showing up to the lectures, is going to be even more useless for someone with ADHD who will probably be distracted the whole time.

I don't see how old dad, just making sure his daughter has as little responsibility as possible now is preparing her for that, lol.


u/cbftw 5d ago

Professors don't assign graded homework (which is honestly the thing that makes primary school and highschool a relative breeze),

As a counterargument, it made high school miserable for me and college a breeze.


u/LovesickLilac 5d ago

Yeah, graded homework is just a pain, especially if you can manage knowing the material yourself. I would spend hours on a few papers because I couldn't force myself to focus


u/Highlander198116 3d ago

It certainly can if you are actually responsible enough to study. I was not. Graduated Highschool with near 4.0 and completely bombed my first semester of college, lol.


u/Allowecious77 5d ago

Why do you say "feel like"? OP said he can't afford it. Do you know that there are some families that literally do not have any extra income for non-necessities and are living paycheck to paycheck? My family is in that scenario right now.


u/gdex86 5d ago

Even if they can't afford it there are steps they can talk to start bridging the gap. Alana in her carelessness destroyed something Casey bought with her own time and effort. Why aren't they stripping down her room of things of value like say electronics and special clothing and selling it to start making up the difference. That doesn't harm the kids future, and well it teaches a lesson. You wrong someone you need to make it work.

He's also even worse because he considers it emotional manipulation. It's not. If you in the real world destroyed something of someone else's because of inattentiveness they'd probably not talk to you until you made them whole. That's a normal human reaction. But since they are "FAMILY" she has to make her self small to make the other 3 members happy. Nothing in this post has any sympathy of Casey who lost something major she worked hard to pay for.


u/nykiek 4d ago

If they won't let Alana get a job then they should be getting second jobs themselves and replace Casey's car. Casey being this mad tells me she didn't just let Alana use her car on her own.


u/Allowecious77 3d ago

Yeah, you're probably right. The situation definitely sucks for Casey. Imagine working for a year to buy your own car, and someone else wrecks it. No car to show for your perseverance and discipline.


u/I_love_Juneau 5d ago

Maybe reread the sentence after "feel like"? It's right there.