r/AITAH 6d ago

AITAH for telling my daughter I won’t budge even if she never speaks to me again?



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u/mother-of-dragons13 6d ago

This is exactly whats guna happen. Then OP will be all be all 'Reddit why wont my daughter talk to us' then bury the lede in the comments that they neglected her in favor of her sister


u/PrideofCapetown 6d ago

Or OP is a ragebaiting troll whose account will eventually be suspended and he’ll come back with yet more ragebaiting horseshit under a different account.

He’s a total asshole either way, though


u/mother-of-dragons13 6d ago

Could be either knowing reddit these days


u/ariestornado 5d ago

Totally agree. But, when I got my license my parents allowed me to take some money out of a college fund to buy myself a car (I knew I likely wasn't going to college but I could use the car to get an after [high] school job to put some money back). I was in a shitty relationship with a guy, and he borrowed and wrecked my car maybe a year after I got it.

Since I was 16, and had no credit, even though it was my money my dad (obviously) put it in his name. I also know for a fact I had gap insurance, the car wasn't totally bought outright, but I put like $4k down and the $110 monthly payments still came out of my college fund - my dad just took care of it.

Anywhoodles, even though all the money paid into that car my dad got back... I was a "problem" child, he just kept it. I'm 30 now and honestly? I'm still salty af about it. I used to wonder why that money didn't get put back into my college fund, but looking back, my dad was a functional addict/alcoholic sooo...


u/JasperJ 5d ago

I mean, could be either, sure, but is way more likely to be rage baiting asshole.


u/internet_thugg 5d ago

Has OP replied to anyone yet? When I see no replies from OP to questions I get suspicious that it’s a fake post.


u/getMeSomeDunkin 5d ago

Honestly, I read the post and OPs one additional comment, and then the comments. The comments are ridiculously speculative and there's nothing that OP can say that will change this tide. There would be zero point in providing any more detail at this point; anything and everything would be a dogpile.

People are assuming that her ADHD caused the accident, when there's nothing that says those are related. There's nothing saying that it was even her fault, just that she had a bad accident. There's no indication to the level of her ADHD.

Honestly, the real failure here and the only one you can really point to factually per OPs post: They guided the 17 year old to buy her own car and under-insure it. That's wild that they let that happen. The alternate story here is that they parented her right and insured the car correctly, the younger sister crashed the car for whatever reason, and the car gets replaced while the younger sibling is healing from (literally) broken limbs. I'd call OP an a-hole just for that. Everything else that supposedly happened is just a mixed bag of dealing with poor decisions and amplifying the family tensions that are starting to break apart. It might be true that the parents have always coddled the younger sister and effectively send the older sister to the coal mines, but wooboy... watching the armchair psychologists this thread throw down comments as if they are facts is wild.


u/youlooksmelly 5d ago

People are assuming it’s her fault because OP went and said her ADHD is so severe it stops her from being able to complete schoolwork. Someone that can’t focus enough to do schoolwork likely can’t focus enough to drive safely.


u/getMeSomeDunkin 5d ago

Yup, more assumptions.


u/CherryHaterade 5d ago

Race-baiting troll?

Republican Dad's skewed sense of fairness and equity fits the bill and makes plenty sense.


u/ktappe 5d ago

If they are a troll, this is an impressively detailed fiction.


u/VovaGoFuckYourself 5d ago

Everyone knows this is a possibility. And yet people feel the need to comment this on pretty much every story on reddit nowadays. I dont mind seeing these comments when there is actual evidence/context presented, but otherwise they just feel like a waste of time to read/scroll past. Not attacking you, im just so tired of it at this point. I wish there was a setting to just not see comments like this. :/

Sorry, just a random vent.


u/k1ee_dadada 5d ago

Although, it doesn't really matter if this particular story is true or not, as it's certainly realistic enough that similar cases have actually happened sometime somewhere. As commenters, it's not like anything changes regardless; we're not here to give advice because we really want to help this specific OP, but because most of us just want to read a good story, maybe do a little judging, and maybe give advice to anybody where this actually happened to that reads these.


u/VovaGoFuckYourself 5d ago

I agree, although i do want to avoid upvoting and engaging with karma-farming bots that will be used for nefarious purposes when they get to their desired karma level. When there's no evidence of that, "this story is fake" comments are just a waste of space imo.


u/loveleighiest 5d ago

With the obvious favoritism I'm wondering if Casey is even his bio kid. It reminds me of another story where it turned out the kid that was being mistreated wasnt her father's bio kid and that's why he hated them and favored the other sibling.


u/surloc_dalnor 5d ago

They will try to bury it, but they will be so clueless it's obvious.


u/Beautiful-Force-6458 5d ago

I’m waiting for this update 😂


u/beren12 4d ago

Elon entered the chat…


u/Smidday90 5d ago