r/AITAH 6d ago

AITAH for telling my daughter I won’t budge even if she never speaks to me again?



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u/donname10 6d ago

Exactly. She can get a drivers license she can definitely get a job


u/Round-Ticket-39 6d ago

Honestly it seems like she shouldnt have driver licence. Not sure about detsils of car crash. But if it was her fault….


u/CenterofChaos 5d ago

Also vehicle accidents are more common within the ADHD population. Many of us really shouldn't drive despite being licensed.     

OP needs to reevaluate if Alana's "severe ADHD" means she's capable of driving safely. She might not be. 


u/Adrr1 5d ago

Once I start taking stimulant medication, I realized just how reckless I had been driving. At this point, I avoid driving if I forgot to take my medicine, it’s just too dangerous


u/ThirteenHD 5d ago

I’m the exact same


u/stormblaz 5d ago

Un-medicated ADHD is bad. I truly hope this young sister is on medicine, because "severe" and un-medicated driving do not go together...


u/sipstea84 5d ago

My ADD makes me the worst driver on the planet. That, combined with some PTSD from an accident has made me realize I'm good with not driving. I sometimes wonder how people with brains like mine can do that every day and not be crippled with anxiety about killing someone. All it takes is one "oops, that wasn't the brake!" or "my bad, forgot about the parking brake!" To kill someone or yourself and those are the kinds of mistakes people like me are prone to


u/Queasy-Cherry-11 5d ago

Driving is the perfect combination of stimulus for me to focus personally. There's a lot going on but it's all related to the same goal, so I find it really calms my brain, like an automatic hyper focus. Though there's definitely been many a time where the hyperfocus on the mechanics of driving safely means I forgot where I'm actually supposed to be driving too and I get halfway to my parents house before remembering I haven't lived there for years.

I also just have habits of checking everything several times before getting out of the car/taking off. I don't think I've ever managed to walk away from my car without second guessing whether I locked it and going back to double check.


u/nykiek 4d ago

At work I do my check list getting out of the car. 1. Phone ✔️ 2. lunch ✔️ 3. badge ✔️ 4. car key ✔️5. locked ✔️. Now I just go 12345. And I can go. Most days I do the 12345 twice.


u/CenterofChaos 5d ago

Yea it's really interesting to see how polarizing driving is for ADHD. I love driving myself, I find it soothing. But I also understand why it can be overstimulating and scary for some.        

One of my friends has ADHD. Her kids have ADHD. One of them really isn't capable of driving, and while it was a shitty conversation to have she had have it. Kid is in their 20's now, no license still. Admits mum was right and it was a responsible choice for her to not sign off on any if the paperwork. OP  should consider telling Alana she can't drive until she can support herself and pay for it herself. 


u/14domino 5d ago

Yeah I’m pretty sure I have ADHD and I find driving somewhat soothing.


u/vegastar7 5d ago

Also, teenagers aren’t the most responsible drivers. I’ve gotten into a few cat scrapes where the other driver was a teen who just made some stupid decision, like suddenly trying to merge into the lane I was in without looking, or deciding to do a left turn when it’s too late…


u/Chemical-Juice-6979 5d ago

I'm one of the few people in my social circle with access to a car so I do a lot of chauffer runs taking my friends to and from places. They all know that if they need a ride on short notice, it'll take me a half hour to leave because I have to take my meds first. I flat out won't drive if I don't have my meds. It's not safe.


u/nykiek 4d ago

I have ADD and I know I need to be paying attention to what I'm doing when I'm driving. As a result I hate driving because it's exhausting.



Eh, they’re called accidents for a reason, I don’t think having a single one means someone is incapable of ever driving. But the parents can’t have it both ways, she can’t both be incapable of working ANY job but also capable of driving a two ton speeding hunk of metal.


u/vegastar7 5d ago

I feel that if you get limbs broken from a car accident, you had to be driving recklessly. I can’t see just one car generating that much force by itself, it had to be two cars going fast to do it. But I’m not an expert on car accidents, so take that with a grain of salt.


u/Quirkxofxart 5d ago

You can definitely break your arm and leg smashing into a tree or fire hydrant or any other object that won’t really care if a car smashes into it, if there was a second driver I feel like it would be pertinent to the story re: them covering costs for the other driver also contributing to their lack of funds or the other driver would be the one paying back if at fault. So my Occam’s razor tells me it was a single car accident


u/vegastar7 4d ago

I hadn’t considered that. I don’t see a lot of “car runs into stationary object” types of accidents on the road, hence why I forgot those existed.


u/Quirkxofxart 4d ago

My sister destroyed two cars when we were teenagers and there wasn’t a second vehicle involved either time so that’s where my mind jumped XD


u/ESnakeRacing4248 5d ago

And even with ADHD, a job can be very different than school. In my case, I have always struggled to keep my schoolwork organized, but I did fine at my job.


u/ReturnToTheHellfire 5d ago

Second this, adhd affects everything I do outside of work but for some reason once I clock in and go in to “work mode” I can focus on the tasks I need to do, schoolwork will always be a struggle because there’s no deadline/urgency to it


u/WriteOrDie1997 5d ago

Yeah, the ADHD might just be an excuse for not caring about school? Very common at that age. I also have ADHD, but my being unwilling to study for tests on subjects I hated was a whole separate issue. I'm not saying ADHD isn't real and can't be a hindrance at times, but it can also be an excuse. I always did far better at focusing on work at that age than I ever did in a classroom.


u/ladygrae126 5d ago

Yup! If she’s to ADHD for a job, then she should never have gotten a drivers license.


u/IdeaMotor9451 5d ago

Eh...let's be honest two thirds of the people on the road shouldn't have a licence.


u/donname10 5d ago

Ikr. Most of them always caused harm to others.


u/Chomfucjusz 5d ago

I think you have no idea what you’re talking about. The worry is that a person with severe adhd can’t handle school AND a job on top of that, which is probably true. Course, she can get a job, but the load that comes with work and school would be very bad for her, and paying the car a little earlier is not worth her ruining her school performance. 


u/nykiek 4d ago

Then she shouldn't be wrecking other people's cars.


u/molly_menace 5d ago

That is … definitely not true.

Someone can get a drivers licence and have disability that prevents them from working.

I would argue that this is an unfortunate lesson that you do take risks when you lend anyone your car.


u/spikygreen 5d ago

Have you all never seen a disabled parking spot? Many people who can drive aren't able to work.


u/__lavender 5d ago

I wasn’t allowed to get my learners permit until I’d gotten a job that could pay for the difference in insurance cost (for my parents adding me to their plan). This is so basic “parenting 101” that I am firmly on the older daughter’s side.


u/donname10 5d ago
