r/interestingasfuck 4d ago

A 3 year old tadpole that didn't turn into a frog, banana on the side for scale r/all

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u/iheartyoualways 4d ago

It needs a specific stone before it can evolve to the next stage.


u/yellowcalcium 4d ago

Nah original trainer gave it an everstone.


u/Rajang82 4d ago

Darn it.

Mindy must be behind this.


u/cjbr3eze 4d ago

Or one those ungodly friendship evolutions


u/Phantafan 4d ago

Friendship evolutions are still far better than trade evolutions imo. If you were the only one you knew that played that game it just left you with so many cool Pokémon you can't have.


u/SirRabbott 4d ago

Trade evos are easy with online trading now, though. I definitely sucks that you can't keep the one you were raising though


u/-reTurn2huMan- 3d ago

Kids these days have it easy. You had to know someone with a compatible game, have a cable, and also know what Pokemon evolved from trading back in the day.

You kids get to run around with Gengar and Alakazam like it's nothing. I didn't have a Gengar until I was a man.

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u/King420fly 4d ago

That could be a Bullfrog Tadpole, known for their extended time as tadpoles, sometimes taking up to two years or longer to fully develop into frogs.


u/B0ssDrivesMeCrazy 4d ago

Yep. Apparently it’s a strange bullfrog tadpole. Article


u/justtouseRedditagain 4d ago

Aww he never got to be a true frog🥺


u/verismo 4d ago

RIP Goliath. He didn't get to become Jeremiah


u/Herpderpkeyblader 4d ago

This made me chuckle. Joy to the World!


u/DubVsFinest 4d ago

He was still a good friend of mine

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u/Call_me_Bombadil 4d ago

Being French is overrated

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u/QuirkyEscalator 4d ago

Kiss it ? Might become a failed prince

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u/Roasted_Newbest_Proe 4d ago

Yeah, he got pulled out before he could

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u/DNAdevotee 4d ago

As long as your face is a weird metric

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u/Spirited-Ability-626 4d ago

Yes, he had something wrong with him, like a hormone thing or something - I saw a YouTube short yesterday about him! Compared to the normal ones he was like two or three times the size.

It’s so weird but increasingly, stuff I watch on YouTube will be recommended in my feed on Reddit right after I watch it. I’d be interested to know if they’re connected or if it’s just because it’s in my head so I notice it more (there’s a name for that! Thought it was Dunning-Kruger but I think that’s overestimating your abilities in a particular area when you actually don’t know anything)


u/secretagentD9 4d ago

You know how on iPhone the apps ask to track your activity across other apps? It’s connected your feeds are all informing each other. They have your search history and bank transactions too. That’s why people get spooked and think their phone is listening to them.


u/GandhisNuke 4d ago

I mean. My phone is listening to me. And all the fucked up shit that you just listed. But it's also definitely listening, and I will not be gaslit into thinking it's just some amalgamation of other information I've already consented to relinquishing.


u/Nippelz 4d ago

I remember when my wife sat me down to tell me she was pregnant. We were married but still 25 so had never even discussed babies in any way at all. We talked for about 2 hours about what our plan was going to be. Once we were finished I sat down on my computer to play some games and the first thing I'm met with is an advertisement for diapers on YouTube, then immediately after was ads for strollers on Facebook... I was dumbfounded. I hadn't searched for anything baby related in my life, not even during my wife and I's verbal conversation, the literal only way the ad algorithm would know we had interest in baby items suddenly would be by listening through our phones... I have been weary of security ever since.


u/crash_aku 4d ago

Bro I'm about to blow your mind. It wasn't listening to you. But it knew your wife was pregnant since she was looking up pregnancy related things


u/Nippelz 4d ago

Good thinking, but no, I specifically asked her that. She bought a test from the dollar store with me and did it in front of me (this was also before we had NFC, so no phones involved). She was told she was infertile due to P.C.O.S. and her weight, so we literally had no reason to look these things up ever. This was night and day, from game ads, straight to constant baby ads after the talk.

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u/ExpensiveDeal5817 4d ago

Facts. There have been multiple times I haven't looked up something in the past 6 months or even mentioned it and as soon as I do. It's right there in an ad or tangential search on Google.


u/Tomahawk117 4d ago

The phones are absolutely 100% listening to you. It’s fun snd concerning to test.

Think of something you are 100% sure you have absolutely not looked up or watched, for example… let’s use diving. Outside hobbyists it’s not something you would usually look up.

Work the word “diving” into sentences you speak aloud clearly near your phone. Do this, verbally only, several times throughout a couple hours.

Lo and behold, you will start seeing ads for diving related activities or products.

I did this myself with Legos (which i haven’t touched in 20 years) and with Jeeps (which i do not own). Both times, related ads started showing up. That is farrrrr too much to be a coincidence. Your phone is listening

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u/wovenbutterhair 4d ago edited 4d ago

it 100% listens. A couple of companies have admitted it outright.

Anything that acts as a speaker can also act as a microphone as well.

The Xbox kinect uses wireless signals to know a whole actual bunch about you including if you're upset!!

It's not conspiracy it's reality

edit: suck on this you arrogant ignorant ones. Maybe you should try searching before you comment about things you don't actually know about


edit 2: some third party apps and malware https://www.33rdsquare.com/stop-your-phone-from-listening/

and then theres https://www.techspot.com/news/104566-marketing-firm-admits-eavesdropping-conversations-phone-microphones-serve.html




u/Emlerith 4d ago

That article was put out by an agency selling services and successfully drove some click bait.

If you have any technical acumen, you understand the absolute insane infrastructure, finances, resources, and technical requirements it would take to listen to all conversations through phones and the total impossibility for that to make economic sense to use that to sell ads on social media.

Unless you are backed by a government funded spy program, no one is doing all that to listen to a bunch of nothing.

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u/TheDragonMage 4d ago

I believe the word you are looking for is the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon.


u/NoiseGamePlusTruther 4d ago

A lot of the time, people get recommended the same video in bulk at the same time, and at least one of those people go and post about it here

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u/itisrainingweiners 4d ago

The first time I ever saw a bullfrog tadpole, it was nibbling on my feet in a pond. I about shit myself when I saw the size of it. Had no idea bullfrogs had jumbo tadpoles till then.

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u/MLYeast 4d ago

Guy read about the Axolotl when he was little and said "f*ck you evolution, I can do that too"


u/PhazonZim 4d ago

Fun fact, some axolotls do still grow into an adult form


u/stripeyspacey 4d ago

Thank you for my interesting fact of the day!! Animals are so cool man.


u/ButteredPizza69420 4d ago

Real life Pokemon leveling up here at random

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u/TheseInternet2420 4d ago

This is misleading tho. Axolotls don't naturally morph into an adult form on their own. The ability for some to morph is due to hybridization with tiger salamanders in captivity, which was done to prevent inbreeding. In the wild, axolotls retain their juvenile characteristics throughout their lives.


u/friso1100 4d ago

True! Still interesting to know that the adult axolotl hasn't actually "finished" development. I mean they have finished it because that is just what the adult axolotl is these days but you get what i mean. It is interesting that if given the right circumstances like a genetic defect, the axolotl can develop further


u/VanillaBalm 4d ago

Theres a research paper out there of someone (or a team of people?) fed axolotls bits of thyroid and the critters morphed into an “adult” form


u/friso1100 4d ago

Interesting! Do you know if that was done on the crossbred variety or the original one found in nature?


u/VanillaBalm 4d ago

I believe the original as the paper is from 1920 but theres a few more recent papers about specifically administering thyroxine or tsh to axolotls


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u/Treadwheel 4d ago

I believe you can induce them to mature with iodine (and by "you" I mean "a scientist several years ago". Please don't kill your axolotls with iodine, reddit). They still have the genes necessary to mature "properly" but lack the proper hormone cascade to finish the process without outside help.

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u/JHRChrist 4d ago

Woahhhh goth axolotl I love him

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u/Inevitable-North1411 4d ago

Isn’t that due to small amounts of tiger salamander DNA introduced into their gene pool?


u/CuriousMouse13 4d ago

Yes, the article they linked even says it, if they were pure 100% axolotl then they wouldn’t transform

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u/CurtisMarauderZ 4d ago



u/FishTshirt 4d ago

New pokemon name


u/CurtisMarauderZ 4d ago

I was about to suggest an amphibian Pokémon that can either mature or turn into a larger version of its nymph form, but then I realized we’ve had that for decades now.


u/SorosSugarBaby 4d ago

Sounds more like he'd rather be a frogolittle instead

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u/you_wizard 4d ago

Interestingly, Axolotls do metamorphose in certain conditions.


u/aedes 4d ago

They said I could be anything I wanted to…

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u/suh4 4d ago

So the tadpole didn't turn into a frog and kept growing to live as a fish?


u/WolfDoc 4d ago edited 4d ago

No, it is [EDIT: probably! Apparently a few giant tadpoles of bullfrog has also been found!] a misleading title. Reality is more interesting: it is a tadpole of the frog Pseudis paradoxa, which grow into huge tadpoles and then shring during metamorphosis into normal-sized frogs!


u/yumeryuu 4d ago

Sometimes genetically, the tadpole doesn’t go through its change and just becomes a big ass juvenile


u/hollowman8904 4d ago

Same thing happens in humans


u/46_and_2 4d ago

You can distinguish them by their tiny tiny hands, though.


u/JoeLunchpail 4d ago

They're eating the frogs!


u/Fecal_Forger 4d ago

That’s why they turned gay!


u/DeterrenceTheory 4d ago

Frogs, the original immigrants.

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u/detroit_red_ 4d ago

It’s turning the DAWGS gay!!!


u/WillistheWillow 4d ago


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u/MurseMan1964 4d ago

Weirdly enough, they turn orange too


u/RiffRaffCatillacCat 4d ago

And their red hats.

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u/MadPinoRage 4d ago

True. Some experts have classified me as a man child or big baby.

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u/crackeddryice 4d ago

You see this a lot down in Florida. Probably the humidity or sumthin.


u/SerHodorTheThrall 4d ago

I read that as semen and was a little off-put, but it still checked out. I need another coffee.

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u/psychxticrose 4d ago

Also a similar thing happens with axolotls


u/arachnophilia 4d ago

axolotls as a whole species are neotenic salamanders. they generally do not mature into their terrestrial phase.

they still have some latent ability to do so, and it's the ones that do which are unusual. you can force this shift by giving them the ne, and they turn into something like a tiger salamander. but iirc, this is generally really bad for them, and they tend to die as a result.

they are also functionally (and possibly actually) extinct in the wild.

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u/Ageman20XX 4d ago

Thank you for the incredibly cool gallery link showing off some of the different variants in this phenomena. What a bizarre and fascinating world we live in.

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u/VeryAmaze 4d ago

Mildly regressing back to basal form 🤌🏼 from the fish it came and to the fish it shall return 


u/firesmarter 4d ago

I wonder where the fish did go? A fish, a fish, a fishey, OOOOHHH!


u/Case_Usual 4d ago

Is it in the cupboard?


u/TheLighthammer 4d ago

Wouldn’t you like to know!


u/Cerulean_Scream 4d ago

And it went wherever I did gooooooooo


u/momopool 4d ago


And now for something completely different.

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u/Plastic_Code5022 4d ago

“Legs were a mistake.”

-That tadpole.

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u/EXTintoy 4d ago

I fish. I frog. I fish again.

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u/Business-Emu-6923 4d ago

Forget monke return to fsh


u/HisDudeness3008 4d ago

Reject froggity, return to fishe


u/Parody101 4d ago

Return to monke?


Return to feesh.

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u/Maccai3 4d ago

He has an Everstone

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u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Jurassic_Bun 4d ago

Maybe it just suffered from intense childhood trauma that stunted its development, I can relate.


u/Cro_Nick_Le_Tosh_Ich 4d ago

If you're a tadpole then I'm a tadpole

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u/Zelda1500 4d ago

It’s like how in pokemon, depending on the conditions a pokemon can evolve down one branch or another for a different final evolution. Very interesting… 🧐


u/Niznack 4d ago

This is more like the lvl 100 magikarp. Bro you shoulda evolved but the opportunity is gone now.


u/shadowkirby90 4d ago

And now he spends his days flippy flapping on his side...


u/BloodyMia 4d ago

At least it's Super Effective.


u/zerofantasia 4d ago

But nothing happens!

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u/MrPinda 4d ago

Give this tadpole a king's rock already 👑

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u/cheshire-cats-grin 4d ago

Its called Neotony - and happens a bit. Axolotl is a type of Salamander that doesn’t “grow up” so to speak


u/TheHoboRoadshow 4d ago


What happened to the old Tony?


u/SleepWouldBeNice 4d ago

Died after using the infinity stones.

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u/Midnight_Famous 4d ago

It's trainer forgot to use Water stone and he leveled it up to 100.

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u/sir-exotic 4d ago

The forbidden pickle.


u/RedHeadRedeemed 4d ago

No crunch. Very slimy. 0/10 would not try again.


u/Retractabelle 4d ago

i just threw up for unrelated reasons about half an hour ago, and i’m pretty sure this comment is the reason i’m going to throw up again

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u/NEONT1G3R 4d ago

I thought that was Deviljho


u/DeliciousLiving8563 4d ago

Pickle that eats you.

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u/leon-theproffesional 4d ago

Gag reflex initiated

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u/Jealous_Following_38 4d ago

How do you know it’s 3?


u/whatdoihia 4d ago

They cut it open and counted the rings.


u/noknockers 4d ago

That means I'm one.


u/JuicyAnalAbscess 4d ago

One ring to rule them all?


u/cryptonuggets1 4d ago

My precious...

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u/MartianOtters 4d ago

You may be joking, but that’s an actual thing in amphibians


u/Biased_Survivor 4d ago

So it's trees and amphibians.... that's confusing


u/sweetnothing33 4d ago

And now apparently the people who have the rings in their eyes that keep posting them recently.

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u/Sam-Gunn 4d ago

"Well, I'm still a little woozy from a gazelle kick this morning, but if he's anything like the common tree, those rings indicate his age."

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u/Spartan2470 4d ago

Here is a higher-quality version of this image. Here is the source with more images of this. Per there:


I know a lot of you were looking for updates and I can’t tell you exactly how big this guy is because the researchers haven’t published on it yet. A rough estimate would be the size of a medium banana. He is still alive and growing. His name is Goliath 😊 @swrsamnh

4:21 PM · Jun 14, 2018

Here is the original tweet they mention with more pictures of this. Per there:


Up here at the Southwestern Research Station there is an initiative to remove invasive bull frogs from ponds. During the removal process they found a tadpole of gigantic proportions. BEHOLD

8:56 PM · Jun 13, 2018

Here is a video of Goliath swimming. Per there:

Hey y’all! I got the ok to share an update about Goliath the #BigAssTadpole. Unfortunately it died last year. Researchers at @swrsamnh preserved it to figure out why it stayed a tadpole it’s whole life, it’s sex, and other morphological studies.

7:09 PM · May 26, 2020

According to here:

The reason for the gigantic size of Goliath – he’s larger than a typical can of cola – is likely due to a hormone imbalance. This could well stop him from being able to morph into a frog.

‘The drawbacks of Goliath’s size is that his respiratory and circulatory system may not continue to support his body size as he continues to grow,’ McGee told LiveScience....

As for Goliath, he will be used for research but ultimately things don’t look good.

‘We are unsure exactly how long Goliath may live without metamorphosing but if it continues to grow it may get to a point where the respiratory or circulatory system will not be able to support the size of the body,’ McGee wrote.


u/calilac 4d ago

Thank you for being excellent and sharing these links, this was fascinating stuff to read and watch.


u/fuzzimus 4d ago

If he were given the hormone to morph, would he become a freakishly-huge frog?

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u/Party-Ring445 4d ago

They count the candles on his birthday cake


u/jt004c 4d ago

It's not. That's just made up nonsense. It's a tadpole of a type of frog called a paradoxical frog.


u/murdered-by-swords 4d ago

That's neat, but those frogs are found in the jungles of South America and the picture of a paradoxical frog tadpole looks quite different compared to the one we have here, so I think you're wrong.


u/goldfish1902 4d ago

These big bois live here in South America?? I've never seen them! I need to hike more


u/Intrepid-Drawing-862 4d ago

That doesn’t make sense


u/reddit_poopaholic 4d ago

Quite the paradox, indeed

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u/Adventurous_Tie_1968 4d ago

Asking the real questions

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u/nadzicle 4d ago


u/runawaycity2000 4d ago

Yeah, the size of it is kinda creepy, in a Dead Space/The Thing kinda way.

Where does it get all that biomass from?


u/Kind_Truck6893 4d ago

Fish frogman he looks happy though


u/berrylakin 4d ago

I'm getting Ralph Wiggums "I'm in danger vibes"

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u/AthleteSignal7476 4d ago

Don't show this to Alex Jones


u/OneSolid3908 4d ago

they are not making the tadpoles frogs anymore!!


u/just_nobodys_opinion 4d ago

In Springfield they're eating the tadpoles


u/tothemoonandback01 4d ago

I saw it on TV


u/Purple-Add 4d ago

This might actually be some kind of hormonal or enzymic environmental interference case again

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u/Ov3r-_-K1LL 4d ago

Big gay tadpole 🤣


u/Yamamahah 4d ago

There were chemicals in the water

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u/samplebridge 4d ago

I always find it funny that this is the quote everyone uses to point out his craziness. When in reality, it's one of the truer things he's said.

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u/PleaseStopTalking7x 4d ago edited 4d ago

This looks like a paradoxical frog tadpole. They can be quite massive (I have a tattoo of one).

ETA: it’s not a paradoxical frog tadpole. There was an article posted that confirms OP’s post. I said it looked like one - wasn’t sure, but no, it’s not.


u/LungHeadZ 4d ago

I wondered how big the frog must be but the ‘paradoxical’ now makes sense having researched*. (It shrinks during metamorphosis). Down to a quarter/third of its length as a tadpole. Remarkable.


u/shapesize 4d ago

Can I ask how did you decide to get a paradoxical frog tattoo?


u/PleaseStopTalking7x 4d ago

I got one because my daughter is so much bigger than I am, so we got matching paradoxical frog tadpole tattoos. We were going with the whole “the offspring is bigger than the parent” idea, and they are pretty badass tattoos if I say so myself.


u/Edzomatic 4d ago

We'll need a photo for proof


u/PleaseStopTalking7x 4d ago

Okay, but if these end up on r/shittytattoos I’m gonna be pissed


u/pznred 4d ago edited 4d ago

This is hilarious. Thanks for sharing


u/Tavuklu_Pasta 4d ago

Reminds me of the caveman spongebob meme.

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u/bkrs33 4d ago

I’m naming my band Paradoxical Tadpole


u/jt004c 4d ago

That's exactly what this is. OP full of shit.


u/HubblePie 4d ago

No, there was a tadpole named Goliath that was huge. It apparently had some hormonal imbalance that didn’t initiate its transition into a frog. But also, that was 2018 and it only lived a year. It was that big though.

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u/Live_Particular_8633 4d ago

OP probably saw several over the course of a few years and thought it was the same one, not realizing this a totally normal size for a Paradoxical Frog Tadpole. I would imagine if you’ve never seen one before you would think it was some outlier.


u/ZonaiSwirls 4d ago

This is most certainly not even OP's picture.

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u/joocuev 4d ago

“Sometimes frog and toad tadpoles have a genetic abnormality which means that they will remain as tadpoles for their whole lives. If a tadpole lacks the gene which produces the growth hormone thyroxine they will be unable to metamorphose into froglets or toadlets. This is nothing to worry about since it is a natural mutation and only occurs in a very small number of tadpoles. The tadpoles will continue to feed and grow within the pond all year and may survive as tadpoles for several years.“

Source: https://www.froglife.org/info-advice/frequently-asked-questions/spawn-tadpoles-behaviour/#


u/LwySafari 4d ago

I wanted to say it's sad, because all its friends just grow up and go outside, but I don't know. the tadpole is slightly smiling. well, life is pond.

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u/BriskPandora35 4d ago

I kinda feel bad ☹️. He’s never gonna experience hopping around with his frog buddies.

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u/TheCookieEatingOwl 4d ago

This makes me kind of sad :(


u/Fuuba_Himedere 4d ago

Same. My first thought was “awww poor thing” :(


u/TheCookieEatingOwl 4d ago

It even has a sad smile :(


u/Kevlar_Bunny 4d ago

According to other comments it’s not dead! They took it out just for the photo


u/TheCookieEatingOwl 4d ago

Oh great! This makes me hopeful!


u/mmaango3 4d ago

Me too :(


u/mademeunlurk 4d ago

YET. Didn't turn into a frog YET. Just let him go and he'll be an absolute mammoth of a frog one day. Yes you will, you'll be such a good big frog.

*Pets dead slimy pickle

Don't listen to them GillBurt.

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u/readerscreek 4d ago

Which one is the tadpole?


u/slightlydispensable2 4d ago

The one where (ta)d(p)ole is printed on. Not fully grown so a few letters are missing.

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u/Never_Ink_Pad 4d ago

Maybe it's a mindflayer tadpole :D

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u/R3AL1Z3 4d ago

I miss when Reddit had people convention useful information, like back before Unidan crashed and burned. I’d like to know more about how and why this happened.

Now it’s like an open mic at an amateur comedy show.


u/Primary_Jellyfish327 4d ago

And now he will never grow to 4 years old.

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u/FuzzBuzzer 4d ago

Did they kill it just to take a picture? I mean...it's interesting and all, but it needs to be in the water, the poor bastard.


u/Seeker4you2 4d ago

I hate seeing animals suffer or die, humans not so much unless I know them but I can’t stand animals in pain.

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u/trvppy 4d ago

This makes me sad for some reason 😞


u/Redlettucehead 4d ago

He tells his mum, see I toad you

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u/PurpoUpsideDownJuice 4d ago

This is what happens when you hold back your Pokémon from evolving


u/PoopInflation 3d ago

Forbidden Pickle


u/jt004c 4d ago

Not true. It's the tadpole of a paradoxical frog.


u/master_jeriah 4d ago

Ahhh, the knee jerk reaction of every armchair Reddit expert who thinks they know everything. It's is true, there is an article that backs it up.

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u/paasisque 4d ago

Banana for scale, that's what I'm talking about!

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u/LoreBreaker85 4d ago

After some Google-fo this is uncommon but not unheard of. Basically the tadpole lacked the hormones to begin metamorphosis. Some reports have tadpoles of certain species living up to 8 years like this.


u/Wait_WHAT_didU_say 4d ago

Given the amount of eggs that female frogs produce, it's statistically reasonable to have an egg every now and then that is defective. It's all a numbers game. Obviously in the wild, this tadpole wouldn't survive. It would have already been preyed upon.

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u/Electronic_Drama_727 4d ago

"Press B to stop Magikarp from evolving"