r/h3h3productions 6d ago

uh oh calling out hasan

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u/cabyll_ushtey HILA KLEINER 5d ago

Same, but I'd also like Hasan to actually deal with Frogan.

In my opinion even condemn their behaviour, because it's not only unbecoming of a moderator but also straight up disgusting. Given what role Hasan has, letting it go like he does isn't working, not for him or anyone else besides Frogan themselves.


u/SeanOfTheDead- 5d ago


If anyone on the crew started posting shit like her and engaging with Ethan's friend's communities in the same way it would have 100% been shut down.

Unfortunately the tankie community is very cannibalistic so i think he's scared that he'll fracture his own community if he addresses it in a meaningful way so I'm not super confident it'll happen.


u/kam1981 5d ago

Ab and his wife are good friends with Frogan.


u/csbeatty 5d ago

Hasan is scared of Frogan, she is willing to weaponize her victimhood and identity and will fight back on any criticism or requests he may have for her using his own community against him and he knows it, she has power over him


u/cabyll_ushtey HILA KLEINER 5d ago

Absolutely. I understand why he hasn't yet and I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't now. Frogan, from what I've seen is frankly, kinda crazy. And once she starts I don't think she'd stop anytime soon.

But I also think it's just a matter of time till she blows. If it isn't Hassan doing the first step, I can see her doing it.


u/GrapefruitUnique2599 5d ago

Telling someone to shut up really isn’t such a big deal. I get they’ve done other things in the past but like??? Grow up? You can dislike someone and not engage in every little crumb they give you.


u/adoggman 5d ago

Do you think AB and Lena should “deal with” Frogan too?


u/Spiritual-Wing-3392 5d ago

Is Frogan a mod in their community? I’m confused


u/adoggman 5d ago

They’re friends with her and have just as much control over her (totally blown out of proportion) tweets as Hasan does.


u/crippled-crippler 5d ago

I think its the mod relationship that gives Hasan the power, not the friendship


u/adoggman 5d ago

I guess if you think employers should control the contents of an employees social media


u/BritshFartFoundation 5d ago

I think its fair for a political commentator to distance himself from someone who posts problematic political stuff all the time and works for him. Also she's a twitch mod, its not like shes got some mad niche skill that makes her irreplaceable lol - just hire someone who isn't constantly getting into controversy in your name


u/Spiritual-Wing-3392 5d ago

Well when right wing freaks post crazy shit on social media they tend to get let go by their employers… so yea especially when you’re a media personality you should at least publicly denounce crazy shit your mods are doing and posting online


u/sweetthingb 5d ago

Ummmm. Yes? Are you slow


u/Saiyan_On_Psycedelic 5d ago

It’s called being held accountable for your actions


u/Weird-Confusion2945 5d ago

I don't think people want Hasan to make her take the tweets down. Disavowing her would be a start, unless he's done that already?


u/cabyll_ushtey HILA KLEINER 5d ago

Genuinely, where have you been the last 10 to 20 years?

That your behaviour online can have serious consequences in regards to your employment isn't new. This has always been the case. It's even something that's been taught at school for over a decade now (at least where I live).

You are free to say whatever you want online, but you are not free from consequences. That's the entire point here.

If your behaviour outside of your work is intense enough to affect said job, there will be consequences. This isn't new. This isn't a surprise. It has always been like that, even before the internet.

Nobody but you is saying that Hasan should monitor Frogan's social media 24/7, or go nuclear in response to this entire thing.


u/MemeManAlt 5d ago

Would you be chill if your employee was posting "kill all n words" on his socials?

Would you seriously be sitting there like "nah bro he was off the clock"


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u/Sea-Tradition3029 4d ago

I mean yes, most employers have a social media policy. i mean you'd know that if you've ever had a job. I'd expect more so for an "employer" of someone who only exists online and in social media platforms.

To think otherwise is strictly moronic.


u/Mr__Noms 5d ago

"guess if you think employers should control the contents of an employees social media"

You just outted yourself for being too young to be on here.

Here's a tip. When you get employed, you can most definitely be fired for what you post on social media. That is not the workplace controlling you, as you can still make that post. However, adults have to deal with the consequences of their actions and decisions.


u/adoggman 5d ago

Brother my reddit account is almost old enough to have a job and I'm not proud about it


u/Mr__Noms 5d ago

Well, that's a worse look for you then if you're a grown adult and haven't realized what you post on social media can have consequences.


u/cabyll_ushtey HILA KLEINER 5d ago

To my knowledge, Frogan isn't working for or representing AB or Lena, so no.


u/adoggman 5d ago

Do you actually think Hasan should personally be checking every tweet his mods make?


u/cabyll_ushtey HILA KLEINER 5d ago

No, and I don't see me saying that anywhere.

What Hasan (and anyone else with moderators), in my opinion, should do is check in once in a while, especially when complaints or praise reach his ears. Which they have.

The amount of people complaining about Frogan's behaviour, aren't particularly small either. It's not just a few people, a good bit are from his own community and this isn't the first time.


u/LilBonnabelle 5d ago

Frogan has the backing of all Hasan’s mods and they are a tight group of friends all from similar mindsets & political affiliations. That and these are two separate adults with two separate lives.

Not a good look telling a man to get control of a woman.