r/h3h3productions 6d ago

uh oh calling out hasan

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u/DirectDragonfruit473 6d ago edited 5d ago

Imo Ethan should just ignore Frogan, she really doesn’t have that big of an audience

Also yes obviously Bib Laden was bad like wtf, I get what people are getting at when saying the US created the conditions for 9/11 to happen of course, they funded and trained and destabilised the Middle East, and others like the British and French fucked over the Palestinians and then facilitated Israeli occupation which exacerbated this also and that was a big part of Bin Ladens message, but Ethan is also right that he was a religious fundamentalist and stated that as a reason too

As with most historical and political issues, there are complex answers, things aren’t just simple “all bad” or “all good”

Personally I disagree with a lot of Ethan’s takes (capitalism for example) but he isn’t a bad person imo, just a privileged boomer who doesn’t research things very well (with peace and love, genuinely) I do believe he wants to be more progressive and if spoken to with respect will often see the other side and consider it, which is why leftovers worked

(I do also want to add, Ethan chose to insert himself into this “drama” by going after one of Hasans editors, people say crazy shit all the time, you don’t have to respond to it all, tbh I also don’t think he was being pro bin laden, we can condem someone and still understand the complex reasons they got to that point from a human/political perspective, we do that with true crime a lot)


u/Kaniketh 5d ago

History is complex. You can't just "blame" the British or the French 100%, any more than you can blame the Russians for invading Afghanistan or 1000 other factors. Everything in culture, politics, economics, technology, etc is connected and it all feeds into each other.


u/DirectDragonfruit473 5d ago

No I know I say this as a British person frustrated with my government, I don’t mean to blame any British person, just the government and their foreign policy


u/SnooEpiphanies7167 5d ago edited 5d ago

No Frogan is 100 percent worthy to shit on and I’m glad Ethan is shitting on her. There’s some people Ethan calls out and I’m like Ethan stop but I fully support Ethan shitting on Frogan any chance he gets.


u/DirectDragonfruit473 5d ago

Not saying you’re wrong but why? I’ve not seen her do anything warranting it personally but I don’t follow her so just genuinely curious


u/is_this_right_yo 5d ago

She made thier parasocial bestest buddy upset. That's about it.


u/Emotional_Permit5845 5d ago

Have you seen what she tweets? If that was a conservative tweeting those things we would be calling for them to be removed from social media. It’s very telling that you thought Ethan is a “privileged boomer who doesn’t research things” after the socialism stream where dan and Hasan couldn’t answer extremely basic questions that Ethan posed. Kind of says everything we need to know


u/DirectDragonfruit473 5d ago

I just said I don’t follow her, not trying to be provocative but can you give any examples of things you have issues with?

Also yes Ethan is privileged, I think he would say that himself, his family are well off, he is a millionaire and a straight white cis man in California, I say he doesn’t research things because he admitted the only research he did before the capitalism debate was talking to chatGPT

And from recollection of the stream, Hasan and Dan answered his questions well, Ethan just didn’t like their answers


u/SeanOfTheDead- 5d ago

Imo Ethan should just ignore Frogan

I disagree, only because I do think she has some underlying issues with jews that maybe she hasn't even fully identified herself, but it comes off that way to me, and if I'm not mistaken she was getting praised and awarded for her content a year or so ago. That shouldn't be acceptable outside of fringe political communities.