r/clevercomebacks 1d ago

“Dirt spices”

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229 comments sorted by


u/rmike7842 1d ago

Does she know you can remove the dirt before processing the spice?


u/SinisterYear 1d ago

She's confused over the term 'ground' being used to describe how a spice is prepared.


u/SobiTheRobot 1d ago

Y'know, this is probably what happened, and she never asked for clarification and has been living with this preconception since she was six.


u/LastBaron 1d ago

It is preposterous……just how plausible this is.

The idea is completely absurd…..and yet it fits perfectly.

I think you’re right. I also weep.


u/Bambooworm 1d ago

Hey, I know someone who thought 'processed food' was any food that was prepared in a food processor. But she did know processed foods are bad, so she avoided things that were made with a food processor. So this is ground spice thing is entirely plausible .


u/Interesting-Injury87 1d ago

i mean.

it isnt wrong???? technically the food WAS processed..... its absurdly funny and also ignores way to many other types of processing, but not untrue

the notion that "procesed foods are bad" on principle is however just stupid as BASICALY ANYTHING WE CONSUME IS PROCESSED.

cook a piece of meat and put salt on it, thats now processed food.

its usualy ultra processed foods that are particularly bad.


u/Bambooworm 21h ago

Lol, I'm not gonna be the one to broach that subject with the person I'm talking about, but you aren't wrong.


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/SobiTheRobot 1d ago

I can never tell what direction these Twitter response things go, but I think here, the "comeback" is the one above the "dirt spice" comment.


u/try-catch-finally 1d ago

Like “asylum” and Hannibal Lecter


u/TheMountainHobbit 1d ago

Holy crap you’re probably right… how is someone that dumb a doctor… oh it’s a fake title I feel better.


u/Ouroboros126 1d ago

Almost like someone translated "ground" from english to russian to english again lol


u/LegendaryEnvy 1d ago

Her: “grounding means you throw the spice on the ground to break it and mix it with dirt “


u/Sprucecaboose2 1d ago

No... no one can be that intellectually uncurious to have that thought process and not double check, right?


u/TomWithTime 1d ago

To be fair, when I ate a ghost pepper my taste buds could only report the taste of dirt and pain


u/Unfamiliar_Word 1d ago

That's almost the dumbest thing that I've ever heard in my life, but you might be right.


u/superdago 1d ago

Confused? Or Russian shill with google translate?


u/AtrociousMeandering 1d ago

Oh, like the theory that Trump is confused about what asylum seekers are after, thinking it has something to do with insane asylums, which is why he keeps bringing up Hannibal Lecter in discussions about immigration?


u/Life-Excitement4928 1d ago

Honestly I wouldn’t rule out her carrying a plate of bland, unseasoned pork chops out to the grill, dropping them on the ground, not wiping them off before grilling, and then going ‘Oh wow I really outdid myself with the texture this time!’


u/DifficultSwim 1d ago

she probably just boils all her meat and veggies


u/JemmaMimic 1d ago

Well done steak, instant mashed potatoes, canned green beans.


u/lorgskyegon 1d ago

With ketchup on everything


u/mrkikkeli 1d ago

Needs more aspic


u/Micu451 1d ago

Just the mental picture of that caused me physical pain.


u/JemmaMimic 1d ago

Grandma's cooking. I've lived through it and survived - more or less intact.


u/229-northstar 1d ago

Hey man, don’t rip on instant mashed potatoes. Put enough butter in them, that’s amazing comfort food … even better if you can get yourself a decent gravy packet like Knorr.


u/JemmaMimic 1d ago

Put enough butter on anything it becomes palatable!

Im not going to judge people for their comfort food preferences (gimme Kraft mac and cheese over any gourmet mac and cheese), but instant mash won't happen in our house. We have mashed potatoes like, twice a week, with butter, sour cream, a little milk, garlic (boiled with the potatoes), salt and white pepper, and that's the way it's gonna stay.


u/229-northstar 1d ago

You seriously misunderestimate the glory of instant mashed potatoes.

In my house, those don’t get served to other people, they are for me. ❤️

I used to love instant rice too … same thing… Cook it up and load on the butter

But Kraft mac & cheese will never darken my door


u/creesto 1d ago

And thinks avocados are SPICY


u/mmcmonster 1d ago

That’s an allergy. She should probably get that checked.


u/nhocgreen 1d ago

I really outdid outdirt myself


u/KBilly1313 1d ago

Nobody tell this bitch where potatoes come from


u/Blackhole_5un 1d ago

I see you are a familiar spice imbiber? Want to trip the light fantastique?


u/Spotted_ascot_races 1d ago

Must have skipped that part on her ‘doctorate’ exam


u/Present-Party4402 1d ago

Whole civilizations were built on the spice trade, so they’re definitely more than just a way to cover up bad food!


u/RobNybody 1d ago

I recently heard that during their height, a third of the Roman Empire's wealth came from the spice trade in India. Crazy.


u/Damien23123 1d ago

Must have been trading with people in India since their conquests never got anywhere near it


u/Micu451 1d ago

I believe the Persians were the middlemen in the European spice trade and they were doing for a long time, even during the times of the Romans. The whole point of all the European sea voyages to Asia was to trade directly and cut the Middle Easterners out.


u/Viva_la_Ferenginar 1d ago

Not Persians, Arabs were the middle men.


u/RobNybody 1d ago

Yeah it was definitely indirectly. I didn't make that clear.


u/LudwigBeefoven 1d ago

Both overland routes through the Persians and also trade came overseas via the Indian ocean, up the red sea, and into the Mediterranean through the canal of the pharaohs.


u/whatiswhonow 1d ago

Came from or was spent on? The Byzantines taxed trade quite effectively, but the OG Romans from Rome shipped away their wealth to India through an Egypt—>Red Sea—>Gulf of Aden—>Arabian Sea—>Indian west coast route, I thought. At that time, I thought even the Silk Road ended in India and it was dominated by sea trade from there.


u/RobNybody 1d ago

Came from as a middle man. I wasn't clear sorry.


u/Papusinho 1d ago



u/RobNybody 1d ago

Unfortunately I don't remember the episode, but it's from the podcast Empire which I really recommend. https://open.spotify.com/show/0sBh58hSTReUQiK4axYUVx?si=FoKLzjp0QhSmf1PuJpV_3g


u/lordmagellan 1d ago

Pretty sure it was just few episodes back, as it was during the current series on William's new book.

And hello, fellow listener.


u/RobNybody 1d ago

No I'm still on the Ottomans, so it was definitely in the first Indian bit. Hello :) great series.


u/lordmagellan 1d ago

Really? Maybe they mention it again. Or maybe I listen to way too many podcasts and they're bleeding together.


u/RobNybody 1d ago

It happens haha. It's possible they bring it up twice though.


u/jimlahey2100 1d ago




u/whatiswhonow 1d ago

Came from or was spent on? The Byzantines taxed trade quite effectively, but the OG Romans from Rome shipped away their wealth to India through an Egypt—>Red Sea—>Gulf of Aden—>Arabian Sea—>Indian west coast route, I thought. At that time, I thought even the Silk Road ended in India and it was dominated by sea trade from there.


u/RobNybody 1d ago

They said at the height, which was before the Byzantine era, but they just mentioned it and I'm no expert.


u/GiuliaAquaTofanaToo 1d ago

I call my French Toast -war toast because all the spices I use caused wars.

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u/DotAccomplished5484 1d ago

Dr. Sydney Watson only has a masters degree and is an immigrant to the US (Texas, of course) from Australia. If she lies about her degree, she may be an illegal immigrant...



u/cycl0ps94 1d ago

What a fucking 🤡


u/soualexandrerocha 1d ago

Reminds me of a famous episode of "The West Wing":



u/DotAccomplished5484 1d ago

I loved that episode when Jed Bartlet tore into that pseudo-expert. What a great tirade!


u/chrisfreshman 1d ago

“Boy, if life were only like this.”


u/doublestuf27 1d ago

Hey now, Texas is on your side in this one. We love us some dirt spices for our Tex-Mex and BBQ.


u/mrkikkeli 1d ago

Don't get me wrong, i love spice blends from zaatar to curry and everything in between until my mouth will melt, but most rubs I've experienced in texan restaurants were so overpowering that you could barely tell what it was seasoning. Beef? Rat? And old chewing gum? It all tasted the same, ie like rub.


u/red286 1d ago

It all tasted the same, ie like rub.

That's the point. What else are you supposed to do with a two-week-old USDA "commercial manufacturing" grade brisket? It's either filler for stew or you mix it 50/50 with mesquite rub and hope your customers can't tell.


u/mrkikkeli 1d ago

So that tweet was about Texas all along??


u/mmcmonster 1d ago

So she’s a doctor of nothing?


u/DotAccomplished5484 1d ago

A little less I think.


u/monnii99 1d ago

It says that she started her career path during her masters degree. Not that she never studied after that tho.


u/prawalnono 1d ago

People who are real doctors don’t put down where they started but where they ended…


u/monnii99 1d ago

People who are real doctors have doctorates. That's the only qualifying factor. Her mentioning her masters degree as a pivotal moment in her career doesn't mean she doesn't have a doctorate. So unless it's proven she doesn't have it, it's just baseless speculation.


u/prawalnono 1d ago

So she’s more proud of her master’s than her supposed “doctorate”, I guess.


u/monnii99 1d ago

Not necessarily. She just says that during her master she came to a realisation. And based on that people are extrapolating that she is aN illegal immigrant lying about a doctorate.

You could also say that her putting "Dr." In her twitter username means she's proud of it. But again, no matter how proud she is or isn't, it doesn't matter for her title.


u/Abaddon113 1d ago

Supposedly it’s a “joke” honorary doctorate from an uncredited uni. https://x.com/SydneyLWatson/status/1610362336061128705


u/ch4m3le0n 1d ago

We disowned her for being too stupid.


u/Turd_Ferguson_Lives_ 1d ago

Does she consider black pepper a "dirt spice"? Because that's most definitely from india, and it's a staple in even the most bland and unseasoned dishes.

Spices from india must have been like heaven on earth the first time europeans tasted them.


u/cycl0ps94 1d ago

Black pepper is my most used spice.


u/ten-million 1d ago

Why else would you travel half way around the world back then? Better tasting food is a great thing! The Dutch traded Manhattan for the island where they grew nutmeg.


u/WhiskeyFF 1d ago

Well the Portuguese brought chilis to India so there's that, same w tomatoes to Italy.


u/Turd_Ferguson_Lives_ 1d ago

The spice must flow.


u/Life-Excitement4928 1d ago

What do you think the British tried spices on first?

Potatoes and eggs, eggs with potatoes, potatoes with a garnish of egg, or eggs over potatoes?


u/NoTeaching5089 1d ago

Potatoes are not native to Europe so they never even had them until they discovered America.


u/rjfinn 1d ago edited 1d ago

And, of course, they discovered America trying to get to India.


u/luciacooks 1d ago

Lol probably not potatoes those are not native to India l. It was the British that brought them.


u/WarDry1480 1d ago

No spuds - educate yourself.


u/ohhhshitwaitwhat 1d ago

I honestly can't imagine what my life would be like without pepper.


u/TylerBourbon 1d ago

...... well yeah, spices improves the taste of food, that's how it works.


u/Jack-of-Hearts-7 1d ago

Literally the point and she somehow fucked it up.


u/codyd91 1d ago

I'd dare say, most food has a poor taste until seasoned and spiced. Exceptions to fruit and some veggies.

I bet this woman's potato salad is bland as hell. I didn't learn about the wonders of proper seasoning until I started cookimg for myself. Turns, chili can range from "mm that's good" to actual orgasms each bite. Why not aim for the latter?


u/darthgandalf 1d ago

Bold of you to assume she cooks


u/BTD6BTD6BTD6 1d ago

not rlly that clever but that woman hates spices therefor i hate her. nobody disses my pookiebear's Salt n Pepper


u/NoTeaching5089 1d ago

Does she not know that literally every plant on earth grows out of dirt?


u/Warm-Faithlessness11 1d ago

She's probably on one of those meat only diets


u/dupsmckracken 1d ago

and most animals walk and sometimes lay on that dirt 🤮


u/Hoggorm88 1d ago

What exactly are "dirt spices"?


u/feelthephrygian 1d ago

I bet she misunderstood "ground spices". Or then this is a level of racism Im not familiar with.


u/Hoggorm88 1d ago

That... That's so stupid it almost has to be true.


u/laddervictim 1d ago

People that think flour is a seasoning also think the wind is spicy 

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u/LuckyStar77777 1d ago

So basically her food is BLAND AF.


u/BomBiddyByeBye 1d ago

This is not a clever comeback. For the love of god, season your bland ass food, people. 🤣


u/attaboy_stampy 1d ago

Fucking twitter, which one of these is supposed to be the comeback, because they both sound lame.


u/zamander 1d ago

Well, I thought that I was a very enlightened person, but a chili cook-off stand had a spice called Oregano. And I was like what the hell...


u/Accomplished-Copy776 1d ago

Oregano is an herb not a spice


u/geon 1d ago

Some herbs are spices. There is overlap.

an aromatic or pungent vegetable substance used to flavour food


u/Accomplished-Copy776 1d ago

Herbs are the fresh part of the plant. Spice is dried root, dried stalk, seeds


u/geon 1d ago

Spices are the aromatic parts.


u/Chance-Ear-9772 1d ago

Uh, zammy? My chilis getting cold.


u/architectureisuponus 1d ago

It tastes a lot better than Oregona.


u/Different_Tangelo511 1d ago

Who's the burn on exactly, europeans or ind8an cuisine? I don't t get it.


u/unbanneduser 1d ago

Don’t forget to ban Europe from the Indian spice trade! “What? That’s bullshit!” Said Portugal, spineless. Well I guess we’ll have to find another way to India…


Question 2: steal the spice trade. That’s not a question, but the Dutch did it anyway


u/Ksorkrax 1d ago

The great houses of the Landsraad used to wipe each other out just for the rights to mine Spice.


u/AtomicBlastCandy 1d ago

Where does she think potatoes and carrots and many other things come from?


u/delectable_memory 1d ago

Tell me you can't cook without telling me you can't cook


u/Ok_Leading999 1d ago

It was actually silk and cotton that was the attraction in India.


u/laxguy44 1d ago

Yes I’ll be having the chicken, boiled of course, and a glass of water.


u/tedivertire 1d ago

So no salt on her food. Man, her meals must suckkkk


u/TomTom_xX 1d ago

Before salt everything tasted like store bought Mac and cheese. No flavor.


u/DragonWisper56 1d ago

also most spices are plants. like how is puting plants on your food dirty


u/a8912 1d ago

Not like we fuckin used em!


u/Ted_Rid 1d ago

Spices were important preservatives prior to refrigeration.

They had a very practical function, not only flavouring.


u/Synner1985 1d ago

Us brits invaded most the world for spices we never use :p


u/michelobX10 1d ago

It was never about about the spices, it was for the friends you made along the way. Jk


u/ee_72020 1d ago

If your food requires you to put tons of butter, cheese, heavy cream and mayonnaise all over it in order for it to be palatable, your food is not good.


u/luciacooks 1d ago

Italy has entered the chat to trash French food. XD


u/FeastingOnFelines 1d ago

…and don’t even get me started on sugar…


u/CorrectTarget8957 1d ago

Italian food is tasty


u/Plastic-Pension7263 1d ago

She must make some plain ass food


u/MSeanF 1d ago

Nothing clever here


u/Visual_Tangerine_210 1d ago

If that Dr title is legit, it’s crummy how someone of that high esteem fails to recognize her profound elitism.

Spices are used to enliven aging food, but along the way towards an advanced medical degree one should learn how not to sound like a privileged cunt.


u/SuspiciousBuilder379 1d ago

Dr huh?

Dr of what? WTF kinda stupid comment is that?


u/rayden-shou 1d ago

Doctor of untasty food.


u/WebStatus242 1d ago

Her food has to be nasty!!!


u/poopbutt2401 1d ago

Dear lord they are extremely triggered by good tasting food


u/Ariliescbk 1d ago

Sydney Watson? Has she always been a doctor? I think I remember a point she was just a clueless rwnj.


u/SonOfJokeExplainer 1d ago

People like this exist but let Tim Walz make a joke about tacos and somehow he’s the racist


u/AnarchoBratzdoll 1d ago

Tbf the food people like that Sidney person make rarely is palatable. 

I once dated a guy whose dad had opinions like that. He was also the one in charge of cooking for family events. I still have nightmares about that mans cooking and it's been a decade since I had to be around it. 


u/WinOld1835 1d ago

Lord, I'm going to need the hot sauce watch from Undercover Brother if I ever have to eat her food.


u/BloomingtonBourbon 1d ago

Is she telling the entire state of Texas that their barbecue is not good


u/JG-for-breakfast 1d ago

That paprika was too much for her to handle


u/AppropriateScience71 1d ago

How did her stupid, borderline racist (or incredibly ignorant) comment get so many upvotes?


u/Apoordm 1d ago

Dr. Watson sounds like someone whose food I wouldn’t want to eat.


u/HumbleSheep33 1d ago

Agreed. I used to like her content back in the 2010s but this frankly sounds racially-tinged/racist.


u/Lio127 1d ago

Sounds like someone cooks the blandest shit ever


u/bliip666 1d ago

No space travel for you, then!


u/chop1125 1d ago

White guy here, why the fuck do we give people like this a platform? All she is doing is convincing people that white people can't cook.

I will agree that if I have an amazing cut of steak, all it needs is a little butter, fresh garlic (no jarlic), and salt and pepper, but not every piece of meat is a perfectly marbled USDA Prime Bone-in Cowboy Ribeye. Most meats need spices to taste good.


u/Archius9 1d ago

Her chicken must be sad


u/Peaurxnanski 1d ago

If you like your food bland, then good for you. Why do you feel like it's necessary to get online to denigrate anyone that doesn't? What is happening inside your head where you feel like it's necessary to talk down to, and degrade people online for liking their food different from you?


u/Kan169 1d ago

From what field does she claim to have a doctorate?


u/HasheemThaMeat 1d ago

Does she realize that the national dish of the UK is … Chicken Tikka Masala.

The country that kicked her ancestors (probably criminals) out and shipped them to Australia, disagrees with her lol


u/mrkikkeli 1d ago edited 1d ago

Funny, most dry rubs I've seen used in Texas are so overpowering that you can barely tell whether you're eating beef or rat meat


u/voodoobox70 1d ago

Plain boiled chicken vibes.


u/UltraFarquar 1d ago

Not a real Dr.


u/Key-Sir9484 1d ago

Americans love their ketchup. Better not tell her what that was designed for!


u/Captain-Memphis 1d ago

Seasoning is woke!!!


u/Maleficent_Scene_693 1d ago

Spices were used to dye fabrics aswell, turmeric has been used for a very long time to make clothes yellow. Wasnt just for food.


u/Niptaa 1d ago

Ew, you use spices from plants that grows in dirt? The only spice she can handle comes from the ocean and it’s called salt


u/TheRealNekora 1d ago

Please, lets not get things wrong here.

you add a single salt crystal to her food she gonna send it back becuse its to spicy


u/FuckPrn0815 1d ago

Sydney out here with the dumb takes again lol


u/Kelevra_55 1d ago

It seems as if 'Dr Watson's' food lacks any sort of seasoning. Probably covers everything in ketchup, too


u/Limp-Appointment-564 1d ago

Does this bitch not season her food? Is she Irish or something?


u/DBSeamZ 1d ago

Well…if you eat the spices then you can’t sell them for more money.


u/Busy_Brain_6944 1d ago

I don’t understand who that insults? The Europeans who wanted the spices… or the people in India making food with good spices… seems like both were pretty agreed that no spice food was terrible.


u/No-Explorer-8229 1d ago

She think the food she eats has a good taste because of love


u/MydniteSon 1d ago

And you realize that the purpose behind the spice trade was predominately medicinal, right?


u/brningpyre 1d ago

If you put Dr. before your name in your bio, I automatically think less of you. Especially if it's just a doctorate title, and not a real doctor.


u/Nolongeranalpha 1d ago

All those conquered nations for their spices and then they didn't even use them...


u/CharlesIngalls_Pubes 1d ago

She knows salt is a rock, right?


u/375InStroke 1d ago

Living up to the stereotype of white people don't season. She probably thinks mayo is too spicy.


u/SpaceCourier 1d ago

She types as she eats food she door dashed because she can’t cook. As if anything we eat in America is good enough to act like we don’t need spices no matter the cook 😂 it’s literally what makes the dish sometimes.


u/Klutzy-Performance97 1d ago

Dr. Disappointment has her food unseasoned, and void of description, like her personality.


u/Too_Gay_To_Drive 1d ago

Oh god, not Sydney Watson.


u/HumanJoystick 1d ago

An American criticizing a foreign cuisine? Because their fucking McDonalds has no fucking taste whatsoever bar the salt it's doused in or because their hotdogs are full of god-knows-what-shit? How stupid are these people?


u/DeadpoolOptimus 1d ago

Ask the people of Arrakis if spice isn't important.


u/Ok-Negotiation-1098 1d ago

This person eats pan fried chicken with only salt


u/_HippieJesus 1d ago

Wow that is a doctor that doesn't know shit.


u/XTH3W1Z4RDX 1d ago

Welcome to English food lmao


u/Vox_Mortem 1d ago

It's really weird to brag that you like eating tasteless, bland food.


u/Americangirlband 1d ago

"Now with more hotdog flavoring" is how the US spices things.


u/CompetitivePirate251 1d ago

Dr. Sydney… cough, cough, did you clean the dirt off all the pepper on my whopper?


u/j4schum1 1d ago

The Pyke Syndicate controlled much of Tatooine over spices. It got very ugly


u/Housemd20 1d ago

As opposed to the palate-awakening, flavor-rich food of her ancestors?


u/TheGreatHornedRat 1d ago

Did she just besmirch curry? Shun this person.


u/lxhv 1d ago

of course a white person would say that (i'm white myself, don't come for me)


u/Meme-Botto9001 1d ago

Spice is life.


u/Feeling_Diamond_2875 23h ago

We fought for the rights to sell that shit tho? Not to salt our food lmao


u/FMSV0 1d ago

Clever? Sure...


u/essaysmith 1d ago

And then they (looking at you England) didn't use ANY of those spices on their own food.


u/ChaosKinZ 1d ago

People just can't cook. Either it's bland or you can only taste the spices. Learn proportions people


u/HasheemThaMeat 1d ago edited 1d ago

The ancestors of modern day Indians made key discoveries in mathematics, astronomy, and invented the earliest form of the “bank check” system, while her people were scratching their heads at why shitting in the streets was making them sick / die, and why sleeping with your first cousin produced sick children.


u/On_Targ3t 1d ago

Yes and a few thousand years later a trading company from her ancestors land conquered all of India. And nowadays its Pakistanis who have the highest inbreeding rates in the world and Indians who are famous for taking a dump on the streets.


u/HasheemThaMeat 1d ago

Had no idea Australians conquered India


u/Total-Commercial-438 1d ago

Course it's the terminally ill Weaboo spouting crap like this, go touch yourself to your loli collection you twat


u/SignReasonable7580 1d ago

Half of India's spice rack was introduced to them by Europeans.

Just for one, chilis were native to the Americas until the Portuguese supplied the rest of the world.


u/Life-Excitement4928 1d ago

And the other half they already had. And used!

What spices came from Europeans directly?

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u/Fabulousonion 1d ago

Europeans introduced spice to India? Lmao right


u/Ok_Leading999 1d ago

English and Indian cuisine were very similar in the 17th century.


u/Viva_la_Ferenginar 1d ago edited 1d ago

Considering England is a cold northern country and India is a hot country nearer the equator, it would be a marvel if they had the same cuisine as different plants grow in different climates.

Also spices were cheaper and more readily available in India since the bronze age


u/KathrynBooks 1d ago

Chilis came to India from the Americas via European traders

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