r/WhitePeopleTwitter 6d ago

We don't understand either

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u/Clearwatercress69 5d ago edited 5d ago

I spoke to an old lady who told me they didn’t know about concentration camps. She said they noticed that Jewish neighbours somehow disappeared slowly but steadily but they didn’t know where they’d go or be taken. They were told propaganda and believed it.

So there’s that.

But today with almost everyone having access to the internet to verify facts by using a variety of sources, there’s no excuse to be this stupid.


u/arachnophilia 5d ago

and yet we are.

it hasn't prevented america from having concentration camps, and we still just mostly ignore them. we call them "detention facilities" and pretend we're justified because they're just illegal immigrants. but that's the same propaganda, isn't it?


u/Early-Cicada5320 5d ago

But have you heard? Water is turning the frogs GAY!! This is obviously way more important that whatever you're trying to tell here.


u/William_Dafhoe 5d ago

I think if you are easily persuaded by propaganda then the internet is the perfect cesspool for misinformation. It’s a great source of information for people who know to fact check but a lot of people don’t so it’s very dangerous in that regard. Also allows for the rise of like minded individuals with bigoted views because they can often say things anonymously or get praised for their statements.