r/PoliticalHumor 1d ago

When Gretchen Whitmer tells you to pound sand

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u/PoliticalHumor-ModTeam 21h ago

Don't be a jerk (Rule #7):

This post is bringing out the abolute worst in contributors. Shame on you.

  • The fact that we have to explicitly state that racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc; including personal attacks, and threats of violence are all uncivil terrifies the mod team.

  • Anything disparaging something about a person that they have little or no control over, is not tolerated under any circumstance.


u/truckaxle 1d ago

Is this the corrupt Huckabee that uses $19K of taxpayer money to buy 4K podiums from her friends who don't sell podiums? She kept the dollar amount just below a threshold requiring more reporting.

The person is a bonified swamp creature.


u/paul-arized 1d ago

Surprised she didn't ship that lectern to MI to use at this joke of an event.


u/truckaxle 1d ago

The Trumpsters have embraced "trolling the lib" even if it means they are stealing and lying to each other. It probably would have been hit in that crowd.


u/EdmundGerber 22h ago

"Ahh I see you brought Hannibal Lectern with you'


u/GrumpySoth09 21h ago

oddly enough, had she done that it may have gotten her off the hook


u/Llama-Bear 1d ago

Please don’t take this the wrong way but bonified gave me a good chuckle.

Who has been bonifying her?

(Bona fide)


u/lew_rong mod perms 23h ago

Laura Loomer is about to be pissed


u/Llama-Bear 21h ago

*pissed on


u/Sitting_Duk 21h ago edited 21h ago

Don’t forget that she bought that podium from a friend who she then took a trip to Europe with… I wonder how that trip got funded. Weird coincidence I’m sure. Shortly after it all blew up, she castrated the state FOIA so that those pesky reporters couldn’t ask questions about who she was traveling with anymore. But don’t worry, the state’s MAGA AG said it was all cool. She’s a Trump grifter to the core and the state politics are brazenly corrupt.


u/Neueregel1 21h ago

These are the dangers when blindly voting for party over country. Some of the people running for office aren’t qualified to run their own thoughts let alone a state or federal government. But here we are.


u/qkio 1d ago

It infuriates me that she hasn’t been indicted for this obvious crime. Biden needs to replace the US Attorney in Arkansas (not sure whether Little Rock is in Eastern or Western District, but that one).


u/Nanyea 21h ago

Don't forget using taxpayers monies to take her girlfriends on trips


u/mtaw 21h ago

And went on a luxury Paris trip with the taxpayer's money.

Oh I forgot the GOP stepped in to pay it once it was discovered, as they totally were going to do all along. So it's just her donors' money and not the taxpayer's money, and that makes it okay I guess.


u/Phlypp 20h ago

Getting caught always tends to bring out better behavior. Or at least it used to. Not so much now as Trump's 91 felony indictments show.


u/ImaginarySeaweed7762 1d ago

That still doesn’t explain Huckabee’s presence. Any local republican would have been better than her. What do I know, I’m liberal. Magas process differently.


u/TheOnlyVertigo 1d ago

There’s a literal Senate race in MI over Stabenow’s seat. Why he didn’t have his hand picked bootlicker candidate with him I have no idea.


u/Mike_Huncho 1d ago

You gotta pay for the endorsement from the big guy.


u/008Zulu Things are going to get loud now! 1d ago

Perhaps they are under the impression they are going to lose it, so are not bothering?


u/TheOnlyVertigo 1d ago

Maybe, I would be surprised though. Critical thinking isn’t high on their list of abilities.


u/LuminousRaptor 21h ago

Last I saw Slotkin and Rogers were neck and neck. She's consistently up 1 to 3% in the polling being right in line with the top of the ticket. It's a winnable race for either side depending on turnout and how the swing voters swing.

No reason why Rogers shouldn't be there if the GOP wants to help down ballot races.... Unless of course they think he's not got the charisma to hold a town hall, but to that argument I'd say neither does SHS.


u/leshake 21h ago

They didn't think about any of it explains most of what they do. The rest can be chalked up to some form of cruelty.


u/lwjinypsi 1d ago

The Dems are running an ex CIA spook against an ex FBI, Trump endorsed carpet bagger. So we're screwed either way


u/AutoModerator 1d ago

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u/Dik_Likin_Good 1d ago

whoO are we to judge?


u/Mike_Huncho 1d ago

LoOk, I'm not saying that I'm judging.


u/Jimmyg100 1d ago

I’m sure her eyes were still on Arkansas… well one was on Arkansas, the other was on Quebec.


u/Orion14159 23h ago

The voting public


u/lift_heavy64 1d ago

Magas process nothing


u/LordMarcusrax 23h ago

Magas process differently.

They don't.

I mean, they don't process things.


u/graveybrains 22h ago

Have you met any of our local republicans? 😳


u/formincode 21h ago

They have a concept of a process


u/TurtleToast2 21h ago

Only the weirdos will share a stage with him. He has to take what he can get at this point.


u/Informal_Process2238 1d ago

Crime families like to hang out with other crime families


u/No_Tea1868 1d ago

It's why Kushner works so well with the Trump's. Both share a rich legacy of slumlords in their family tree.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/Envoyager 1d ago

Well her dad is doing late night infomercials selling pills now.


u/Diarygirl 1d ago

That commercial seems like an SNL skit.

Dan Marino does one for Relaxium too. I don't know why. I guess he's broke.


u/StandardNecessary715 1d ago

Drug commercials pay really good. They have the money


u/pimpmastahanhduece 1d ago

"Drug" and not "psuedopharmaceutical supplements"


u/Viperlite 1d ago

Drugs vs. elixers


u/ExpeditingPermits 22h ago

It’s just drugs


u/phazedoubt 1d ago

Remember when he was playing in double casts? I can't imagine his medical bills went down as he got older.


u/barto5 23h ago

Maybe not. Lots of celebs do commercials for MORE money not because they’re broke.

Two examples come to mind: Shaquille O’Neal and Nick Saban both do commercials and they’re definitely not broke.


u/Lylac_Krazy 21h ago

I see Shaq in pizza commercials, but he owns a chain of them. Cant fault a guy with his own skin in the game. He creates jobs.


u/barto5 20h ago

He does a lot more than that. And I’m not blaming him at all. Just noting you don’t have to be broke to do commercials.

O'Neal is is a spokesperson for The General, an insurance company. He's also promoted Buick, Pepsi, Epson, Papa John's, and many other brands and companies.


u/AutoModerator 20h ago

Hi u/barto5. Do you want a nice, refreshing Bepis? /r/Bepis ~

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u/MuzzledScreaming 1d ago

I love how on that commercial he is billed a former presidential candidate, with no mention that he was a governor for a decade. It's like he's begging you not to look too much into his actual employment record.


u/gmwdim 22h ago

He was never even close to being his party’s nominee. Anyone can run for any office, being a “candidate” doesn’t mean shit. In other words, dude has no accomplishments.


u/MeasurementNo9896 1d ago

I enjoy thinking about Mike Huckabee, his wife, his friends, and everyone he knows having a hard time sleeping at night. "Sleep the fear away!"


u/Jennyojello 21h ago

“Relaxium”. Totally legit and effective and safe. Ask the My Pillow guy I’m sure he’ll vouch for it.


u/mapoftasmania 1d ago

Yep. And she looks like she had that lazy eye fixed.


u/bbawc72 1d ago

Next stop: the plastic surgeon to fix that RBF…


u/DBsBuds 1d ago

Oh man! Can you guys imagine a MAGA make over on that face?


u/Howard_Jones 1d ago


u/Topramenisha19 23h ago

Who invited Laura Lumer


u/sealosam 1d ago

Side effect from the Ozempic. That eye is no longer wondering to passing by Chick-fil-A---which her father also promoted.


u/TheTeenageOldman 1d ago

Let me guess on whose dime...


u/StandardNecessary715 1d ago

I guess the grift is working.


u/blantonator 1d ago

Thinking the same thing and hear her dad hawking sleeping pills every night.


u/Diarygirl 1d ago

Not being able to sleep at night is SCARY according to Mike Huckabee. At best it's a placebo.


u/Hurde278 1d ago

Buying his pills will help stop trans immigrants from eating your pets!


u/seanwd11 1d ago

You've gotta love it when your first thought is the first comment.


u/NessunAbilita 1d ago

She still looks like a pit bull, now a pitbull-weinereimer mix


u/cataclyzzmic 1d ago

She wants that ozempic, zealot eyed, over inflated lip/cheek bump. All the Republican cool chicks are doing it!


u/LittlePooky 1d ago

Nope. Zepbound AND Wegovy.


u/f8Negative 1d ago

100%. Still looks horrible tho. Can't fix hate.


u/loki2002 23h ago edited 11h ago

Hey now, let's not give Ozempic a bad name.


u/One-Estimate-7163 1d ago

She got that good shit I can’t recall the name but there’s a even better version


u/contryhippy 1d ago

Cocaine 👃


u/One-Estimate-7163 1d ago

Could be lol but no oezempic binds to two or three receptors there’s a new one that binds to four receptors


u/thegreatbrah 1d ago

Makes her even physically uglier.


u/Pulga_Atomica 23h ago

The permanently constipated look gave it away?


u/Floss_tycoon 23h ago

It really brings out her resting bitch face. When is she going to Loomer's doctor to get that fixed?


u/justbrowse2018 23h ago

She’s definitely on drugs like all these crazy maga people are.


u/Kirkream 22h ago

To bad it does nothing for her face


u/UninvitedButtNoises 22h ago

No chance that slant faced psycho isn't on ozempic. Either way, glad they're really connecting with Michigan


u/Cargobiker530 1d ago

She must be taking double doses.


u/xultar 21h ago

I didn’t know ozempic could fix a crooked eye too. That shit is amazing.


u/PoliticalHumor-ModTeam 21h ago

Don't be a jerk (Rule #7):

  • The fact that we have to explicitly state that racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc; including personal attacks, and threats of violence are all uncivil terrifies the mod team.

  • Anything disparaging something about a person that they have little or no control over, is not tolerated under any circumstance.


u/AusCan531 1d ago

If I were in the audience, the first question I'd ask Huckabee is "Are you the one that shot your dog?"


u/Moopies 1d ago

God, it's like 6 insults at once


u/vishy_swaz 22h ago

It really is 😂


u/homebrew_1 1d ago

Why didn't he do it in Arkansas?


u/crazyprsn 1d ago

maybe cause AR isn't something he's worried about going Dem? my best guess


u/DowntownsClown 1d ago

And little power in electoral college comparing to Michigan


u/homebrew_1 22h ago

Then get someone from Michigan to do it with you. Why he bringing Huckabee?


u/vishy_swaz 22h ago

She’s probably the only one that would.


u/Magicthundercat 23h ago

If Arkansas can elect Sarah after having Mike as governor, I don't think Trump has to worry about campaigning in Arkansas to win the state.


u/chrisratchford 1d ago

Couldn’t get a single Michigan politician? Sara auditioning for a show on newsmax or a spot on trumps cabinet, it really doesn’t matter to her.


u/Magicthundercat 23h ago

Maybe she is going to be the VP pick when Trump runs again in 2028.


u/missionbeach 22h ago

Vance/Huckabee 2028.

Please, God. Please.


u/Magicthundercat 22h ago

Nah, Vance is getting booted out of the maga world after Trump pins the 2024 loss on him.


u/TheCatWasAsking 11h ago

I fervently hope Trump publicly declares on every platform possible it was The Heritage Foundation and their Project 2025 agenda that cost him the race lol


u/Magicthundercat 11h ago

Create a couple of accounts on X and post it. Soon Trump will be repeating it


u/EmJayBee76 1d ago

He and his team just assume that most of his followers don't even know who their governor is


u/TheOnlyVertigo 1d ago

Oh they do.

If there’s one thing I have learned from living in Michigan is Trump’s supporters know who the Governor is in the state.

They call her the Wolverine Queen thinking it is an insult.

My father in law has called her Witchmer before.

They absolutely know who the governor is. lol


u/Time-Touch-6433 1d ago

Dude the wolverine queen is a badass nickname. Wtf is wrong with them.


u/apintor4 23h ago

so much better than big gretch that shits stupid as hell


u/EmJayBee76 1d ago

Lol indeed. Thank you for that information, I didn't know but now I do. (Though this sounds sarcastic, I ate a gummy and popped off about something I didn't know about). See how easy that was kids?!


u/TheOnlyVertigo 1d ago

It’s all good.

I just know the absolute level of vitriol she gets from the hardcore MAGA morons.

She still beat the person that ran against her 2 years ago like she was owed money so it all worked out in the end.


u/SiWeyNoWay 1d ago

Big Gretch is a badass.

I love Wolverine Queen!! Not the insult they think it is at all LOL


u/freethrowtommy 1d ago

Wolverine Queen is an incredible nickname.  


u/Suns_In_420 1d ago

Wolverine Queen is a badass nickname, I love when they self own.


u/dotardiscer 1d ago

I saw lots of pictures and footage from todays event, somehow they placed the 2 dozen black people in attendance behind Trump.


u/DowntownsClown 1d ago

I STILL got couple of black people saying they wouldn’t vote, if they have to, they’d vote for trump lol


u/LtRecore 1d ago

That horrible huckabee woman never smiles. Always a grimace on her face.


u/Shadowman621 1d ago

I remember seeing a pic of her smiling when she signed a bill allowing kids to work. Meanwhile, the kids there looked absolutely THRILLED to be there


u/KnowMatter 1d ago

Can you imagine donald trump tying to explain how block-chain technology works?


u/Bogartsboss 1d ago

Even the Huck wanted to sit as far apart as possible.


u/u9Nails 1d ago

He continues the downward spiral. He said that Bagram, AFB is in Alaska. It's in Afghanistan.


u/MuzzledScreaming 1d ago

They both look so damn grumpy.


u/SiWeyNoWay 1d ago

Trump apparently said tonight something about climate change being a good thing for MI because they would have more beachfront property.

And his answer to another question - I think it was about the auto industry, was nuclear war. Wut


u/Fecal_thoroughfare 1d ago edited 1d ago

The entire front row, black people

 roll eyes

Fuck trump is such a desperate, transparent, chucklefuck. No surprise the man who shits in a golden toilet and has his name plastered all over every building and vehicle he owns doesn't have an ounce of subtlety in his body.

Can't even subtlety pander to black voters after a lifetime of being a racist POS


u/FoogYllis 1d ago

I see they aren’t using a lecturn. Best she avoids another corruption scandal.


u/doug5209 1d ago

As much as I hate Trump, no Democratic governor is going to campaign with the Republican presidential nominee.


u/dilldoeorg 1d ago

especially one who almost got the Mike Pence treatment from Trump followers.


u/Arguments_4_Ever 1d ago

Easy to find a Michigan Republican. You don’t bring in somebody from a different state.


u/Prothean_Beacon 1d ago

I mean you'd think he'd be able to find at least one Michigan Republican to fill the role.


u/excelmonkey67 1d ago

Yeah this whole premise is dumb


u/LittlePooky 1d ago

Hey look over here, Huck-A-bee®!


u/punkindle 23h ago

When you order your governor on Temu


u/MY___MY___MY 1d ago

Thats a human?

I thought he was pinning the prize pig at the state fair!


u/filmmakindan 1d ago

Go pound sand


u/mistervvasquez 1d ago

What song are they singing?


u/nite_owwl 22h ago

real happy looking bunch there.

fucking nazi scum


u/Hot-Winner-6485 22h ago

Huckabee is even more unlikable than Trump, that’s tough to do. They both are the worst.


u/bobo-the-dodo 1d ago

What happened to lectern gate?


u/akrast 1d ago



u/DaOozi9mm 1d ago

Fuck Trump and everything he stands for.


u/barto5 22h ago

That’s a bit redundant, because the only thing trump stands for is trump.


u/fattymcfattzz 23h ago

Two pathetic fooos


u/thefixxxer9985 23h ago

I'm just surprised there's no podiums.


u/NickPickle05 23h ago

Lol Gretchen Whitmer is known for her vulgarity. She would definitely say something besides "pound sand".


u/Dewey081 22h ago

Is there any protocol or courtesy that requires a visiting governor to present themselves to the sitting governor of a state before participating in any political activities in the hosts' state?


u/Sujjin 22h ago

Willing to bet they didnt even try asking her given they knew what the answer would be


u/prfssrcha0s 22h ago

Don't see kamala doing these.... I wonder why. Probably cause she can't do an interview for shit 🤣


u/Nerdiestlesbian 22h ago



u/RandomWeirdoGuy 22h ago

Next town hall featuring special guest Pladimir Vutin! Ticket $12,000.


u/Everheart1955 22h ago

That woman always has a look like she's lost.


u/Kim_Thomas 22h ago

“FREAKS on STAGE” - must be a f’n CIRCUS 🎪 especially with Orange Foolius the CLOWN 🤡 & the Huckster beast.


u/CurrentlyLucid 22h ago

She looks so happy to be there.


u/missionbeach 22h ago

Whatever happened with her lectern scandal?


u/andytagonist 22h ago

Is she losing weight? Or does she just look better sitting next to him??


u/sonostanco72 22h ago

Two pieces of shit on stage together again. The smell must have been un tolerable.


u/hmnahmna1 22h ago

Next up, the Kamala Harris town hall in Texas with Gavin Newsom because Greg Abbott told Harris to pound sand.

Same energy.

And I only say this because I would not expect the state governor representing the opposing party to host a town hall like this, regardless of the candidates.


u/Godhri 21h ago

If you watch this town hall he has a hilarious and awful time mixing up bagram airbase and ANWR, then spends like five minutes explaining AGAIN why his rambling actually makes him a genius. He then reuses a story from the literal last town hall he did about being asked to do a town hall. Bro’s brain is cooked, maybe rfk gave him a brain worm.


u/Dapper-Percentage-64 21h ago

Sarah has a beautiful lectern . Must have forgotten it back in Arkansas


u/WordsWatcher 21h ago

The reason for having Whitmer there is that in a week, Trump can say, "So when I was in Michigan with the governor, I had an excellent debate that I crushed." And using just "the governor" is true - it's just not Michigan's governor.


u/robtk12 21h ago

I feel bad for huckabee, she had to go make up excuses everyday for trump during his presidency for the stupidest things. I don't think I've ever seen her smile. She seemed like they abused her until she gave in. She was probably a decent republican until they brainwashed her.


u/Sudden-Willow 20h ago

The Michigan GOP is going through some things.


u/Tenderizer17 1d ago

Democrats really should pull out of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Wyoming so a third-party with a shot can give Republicans some real competition.