r/NoStupidQuestions 6d ago

Do you think the 9/11 hijackers knew that the WTC buildings would collapse?

I really don’t know where else to ask this. There is obviously an overload of information about the event itself online, but one thing I can’t find out is if the hijackers intended to, or knew that the WTC buildings would collapse. Do you think they just planned on the impact and fires to be the extent of the damage caused? As far as I know, no steel structure buildings in history had collapsed from fire at that point, so it makes me wonder if they actually “succeeded” in their plan more than they intended.

Edit: no conspiracies please, that was not the point of my post


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u/I_read_all_wikipedia 6d ago

200? Try nearly 500.


u/Accomplished_Baby_28 6d ago

I wouldn't try that


u/El0vution 6d ago

That second plane looked maxed out. Dude almost missed the building


u/doggydoggworld 5d ago

Past VMO , flown by someone who had barely been in a 767


u/Outside_Log_2593 5d ago

Second plane was estimated at 590 mph